겨울축제의 지도역 세실리아/대사


I am Cecilia, Mage General of Etruria. If you want to know all about the winter festival, I'll teach you!私はエトルリアの【魔道軍将】セシリア。冬祭りをどう楽しんでいいかわからない?いいでしょう、私が教えてあげるわ。

I have prepared my curriculum for the winter festival.
I want everyone to have a good time, so clear explanations of each and every custom are a must.
This reminds me of my days teaching Roy and Lilina. I took them to some festivals then.ロイとリリーナの教師役だったころもいろいろなお祭りに連れていってあげたことを思い出すわ。
When I exchange gifts on a night like this...I feel close to everyone.聖なる夜にプレゼントを交換し合ってみんなとの絆を深めるの。それが冬祭りのメインイベントよ。
I saw a poster that said, "Hurry in and order your winter festival presents at Anna's!"
Seems like this is a great time to turn a profit, isn't it?
I worked hard to make this outfit for the festival, but I was in a bit of a rush. Does it look like I got it right?この衣装は冬祭り用の特注品なの。頑張って用意してみたんだけど似合っているかしら?

친구 방문

I bring you glad tidings! We're in the middle of celebrating the winter festival with [Friend].ごきげんいかがかしら。[フレンド]の城は冬祭りの真っ最中よ。

레벨 업

It's wonderful how the festival has everybody smiling and feeling warm toward one another.ふふっ、みんなもいい笑顔。祭りを通して絆が深まっているわね。
The festival is just getting started. Let's have some fun!祭りが盛り上がるのはこれからよ。もっと楽しみましょう。
Brrrr. I didn't expect it to be so chilly!なんてこと…この寒さは想定外だったわ。


The true pleasure of the winter festival is giving gifts. I'll happily accept this one with thanks.プレゼントの交換は冬祭りの醍醐味。ありがたく頂くわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I studied the winter festival extensively so I could teach others about it.
Heroes gather here from across the realms, and that means diverse value systems come together here, too.
That said, I believe everyone can enjoy a festival. We all like having fun, no matter where we come from.
My hope was that those who knew only war could smile, if even for just a moment.
If that moment at the festival could reside in their hearts...nothing would make me happier.





오의 발동

Time for a lesson.教えてあげるわ
Start praying.祈りの時間ね
This is a blessing.あなたに祝福を
Just as expected.想定のうちよ


It's almost spring...いつか…春が…


Let's see...そうね…
This is traditional clothing for the winter festival.これは、伝統的な冬祭りの使者の格好よ
Hm? You have a mischevious streak, don't you? Did you used to tease your teachers?きゃっ…もう、いたずらな生徒ね
I happen to have a spare outfit for the winter festival if you'd like to try one on.あなたの分の衣装もあるけれど、どうかしら?
Teaching others is a good chance to learn something yourself.人に教えることは、自分自身への学びになるの
Let me know if you'd like to learn more about the winter festival. I'm happy to teach!冬祭りのことを知りたければ、おっしゃって
Enemies are likely to underestimate my skills in this outfit... Might be a viable strategy.この格好で敵を油断させる…そういう戦術も良いかしら
I would love it if you and I could learn more from each other.あなたとは、色々なことを教え合いたいわ

아군 턴 터치

Let's try that.そうしましょう
That's a difficult one...難問ね
What's your answer?答えは出た?

캐릭터 페이지로