불패의 장 세르반테스/대사


I am General Cervantes of Valm. My foes shall buckle before me like a flimsy belt around the waist of defeat!わしの名はセルバンテス!ヴァルム帝国軍においては不敗の将と呼ばれた男よ!

The name Walhart is synonymous with conquest. You must peer into his soul if you wish to keep pace!ヴァルハルト陛下こそ真の覇王。魂で向き合わねばあのお方にはついて行けぬよ!
There is no shortage of whiskered warriors in Askr, it would seem. My competition is fierce.ほほう、ヴァイス・ブレイヴには見事なひげ自慢がおるではないか!わしも負けてはおれぬな!
My journey to another world has in no way diminished my need to maintain a strict grooming routine.アスク王国でも毛の手入れは怠らぬぞ。…どこを見ておる?こっちじゃ、ひげのほうじゃ!
So long as I remain unshorn, I am invincible. If my foes wish to defeat me, they shall have to shave me first!勝利の予感に逆立つこのひげがある限りわしの不敗伝説は揺るがぬ!
My hairs stand on end—every one of them! This beard shows my constant readiness for battle.軍師殿! わしはどんな戦いにも臆せずに参じる所存じゃ!ひげも武者震いしておるぞ!

친구 방문

I, Cervantes—the unparalleled, the undefeated, the unshaven—am now in [Friend]'s service.わしは無敗の将、セルバンテス![フレンド]殿の城にて世話になっておる!

레벨 업

You stand before an undefeated and invincible general. Go on—bask in the glory of these whiskers!不敗の将、ここにあり!わしのひげも意気揚々じゃ!
I've not shaved since my very first battle. And have I ever lost? No! Not even once!わしにひげがある限り誰にも負けはせん!
Hm? What could this portend?ぬ? どういうことじゃ?


Do you see these whiskers? Look closely! They are jumping for joy!わしの毛も喜んでおる!頭ではない! ひげのほうじゃ!

5성 40레벨 달성

I once had dreams of commanding a nation myself... But Walhart? Aye, he dreams bigger.
He would rule the entire world! Mine is nothing compared to the moxie of the Conqueror.
I am but a single hair on the beard of a flea in his great moustache! So, why did I follow him? Why indeed...
I wanted to taste the thrill of being part of something bigger than myself. The Order of Heroes is similar.
If true heroes from worlds apart join together as one, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.
Thus, my whiskers and I remain at your disposal. Let us see how far we can go together!





오의 발동

Ah, the anticipation!このわしの毛にかけて!
Today, we make history!天下分け目じゃな!
You shall buckle here!この首取ってみせい!
These whiskers are undefeated!勝利の予感じゃ!


To die in obscurity...最期まで…あのお方のもとで…


You think you can beat me—General Cervantes, the unparalleled? The undefeated? The unshaven?!わしこそが無敗の将! セルバンテスじゃ!
Are you trying to touch these whiskers? I cannot say I blame you.ぬ? 軍師殿、この髭に触りたいのか?
Walhart shall become king of all the world!ヴァルハルト陛下は人の世の王となられるお方じゃ!
Since my very first proper battle, I have been unshorn.わしはな、初陣からこれまで一度も髭を切ったことがない。
We will show them the meaning of fear. Not beard, you fool. FEAR!この「毛」がある限り…どこを見ておる! 頭ではない!
I shall follow Walhart to the ends of the earth.ヴァルハルト陛下、どこまでもお供いたしますぞ…!
Let us face one another, as equals, as human beings! Let me peer into your soul!軍師殿! 人として、魂で向かい合おうぞ!

아군 턴 터치

What? No!どういうことじゃ?
My whiskers are ready!もうひと働き!

캐릭터 페이지로