여자의 본성 샤를로테/대사


I'm Charlotte, a Nohrian border guard. I'm a delicate little thing, but I'll do what I can. Tee-hee!暗夜の国境警備兵、シャーロッテですっ。私本当はか弱いんですけど…皆さまのために頑張りますね、テヘヘ。

My, my. Look at all of the eminent bachelors here... All these purebreds, ready for the taking!
Then again, if I married somebody from another world, sending money home would get pretty tricky.
ここって異世界の王侯貴族様が多いから、玉の輿の夢が広がるわ~! あ、でも…異世界に嫁いだら仕送りができないわね。
I know it's hard to believe, but I used to be a border guard, swinging a giant axe, of all things! Goodness!
The big problem was catching my beauty sleep, with all those stupid Chevois rebels making trouble.
You'd like me to defend the castle? Of course! If something happens, I'll just smash—I mean, I'll call for help!え、私に護衛を頼みたいんですかぁ?わかりましたぁ、何かあればこの拳で一発…じゃなくて! 大声で助けを呼びますねっ。
Want to go for a stroll, just the two of us? You do? In...the ruins? You...want to summon Heroes? Uh, OK...今度私とデートしませんかぁ?二人っきりになれるところならどこでも…へ、遺跡? 召喚の手伝い? はあ…
I've been working SO hard on keeping my act up, and yet...the fish just aren't biting. UGH!
Oh, forgive me... That evil little fairy nipped me again. You know the one. It just won't let me be! So naughty!

친구 방문

Why, hello there! Tell me... Are there any rich, handsome, reliable and— crucially—single men in your army?挨拶をお届けに参りましたぁ~。この軍には、お金持ちで甲斐性のある未婚の美男子はおられますかぁ?

레벨 업

I hope rich men like powerful women...ちょっ…ここまで逞しくなったら私のイメージが!
There we go! I'm a wee bit stronger now.やりましたぁ、ちょっぴり強くなれましたよぉ。
As you can see, I'm just a delicate flower.すみませぇん。私…見ての通りか弱いので…


Why, thank you! I'll do my very best out there.新しい力、とっても嬉しいですぅ。シャーロッテ、がんばっちゃいますねっ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, my! Who is that calling me? I can hear you... Oh. It's you. I can drop the act.
How's it going? You look fine—not sick or hurt or anything. You don't look that strong, so I worry about you.
I mean... You keep on visiting me, even though you know what I'm really like. So, yeah, I think about you.
Maybe that's your trick... You sucker everybody into wanting to protect you. I feel like I learned something...
Of course I'm kidding. I know you're not that manipulative. That's why I like you. But if you die on me...




You meanie!ひどいですぅー!

오의 발동

Don't underestimate me!舐めんじゃねぇぞ…
I will smash you so hard!ぶっ飛ばすぞコラァ!
Overworked, underpaid!もうやってらんねー!
Ooh, that evil little fairy!悪い妖精さんがぁ…!


It's...up to you now...後は、頼んだわよ…


What?! Uh...yes?ふふっ
I'll make you my extra-special lunch!今度、美味しいお弁当作ってきますぅ
I'll do whatever I can to support the Order of Heroes!特務機関のお役に立てるよう、がんばりますねっ
My lustrous hair and healthy skin... How does it feel to touch them?髪も肌もツヤツヤにしてるんです~触り心地はどうですかぁ?
Being surrounded by all these upstanding Heroes... It's making me a little nervous.ここって素敵な英雄さんがいっぱいで、緊張しちゃいますぅ…
What's that? You saw me slug an enemy? Oh, you! Such an imagination you have.え? て、敵をぶん殴ってたなんて、気のせいですよぉ~
These stupid enemies keep underestimating ME, of all people! What a joke!あーあ…敵のやつ舐めやがって…やってらんねー、ふんっ!!
You know, you're pretty good at taking care of everyone. It throws me off, and I can't help but let my guard down around you.あんたって結構面倒見がいいのね…おかげで気が緩んで、つい本音で話しちゃうわ

아군 턴 터치


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