용을 좋아하는 용기사 세르쥬/대사


I'm Cherche, a wyvern rider from Valm. My sweet Minerva and I will join your cause.セルジュと申します。ヴァルム大陸出身のドラゴンナイトよ。愛竜ミネルヴァちゃんと一緒に頑張るわね。

Oh, what an adorable insect! I'll have to catch it and show it off to [Summoner]...まあ、可愛い毛虫ちゃんがいるわ。捕まえて[召喚師]に見せてあげようかしら…
In my homeland, I was in service to House Virion, but, honestly, you can just forget about my former liege.故郷ではヴィオール公爵家に仕えていたの。覚えにくい場合は主の存在ごと、全て忘れてくれて結構よ。
It's kind of you to check on me, but I'm sure you're busy. Stop by and chat when you've got more time.私を気にかけてくれたの? ありがとう。いつも忙しそうだけれど…またこうして話してちょうだいね。
Say, would you like to go hunting with Minerva and me sometime? It's so cute when she eats a whole deer!ねえ、一緒にミネルヴァちゃんのご飯を探しに行ってくれないかしら?できれば新鮮なお肉がいいのだけれど。
I've sewn up all the torn uniforms. Let me know if you need help with the stains on those white capes.みんなのお洋服の破れを繕っていたわ。もしお裁縫やお洗濯が必要なら言って。白い服は汚れが目立つものね。

친구 방문

So, you there. You're the one called [Summoner], right?
I've come to deliver a hello to you from [Friend].

레벨 업

I feel invigorated! How about you, Minerva?ミネルヴァちゃんよりも強くなれたかしら?
See, Minerva? This is the value of hard work.ミネルヴァちゃんと頑張ったおかげね。
Well, this is vexing.まあ…これは困ったわね。


I feel simply fantastic! Thank you ever so much!なんだか素敵な気分よ。あなたのおかげね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Thank you for always supporting me and my precious Minerva. We both feel so safe with you!
To be honest, I was worried at first. About living in a different world... About fighting new enemies...
I did leave home once before, but coming here is not the same as crossing from Valm to Ylisse.
But spending time with you—learning about this world—has filled me with determination to protect it.
My homeland of Rosanne is a green and beautiful place, just like Askr. I hope to show it to you someday.




Oh my...あらまあ…

오의 발동

I bid you farewell.お別れの時間よ
Rest in pieces.楽にしてあげる
Snack time, Minerva!行くわよミネルヴァちゃん
You have made me angry.怒るわよ…?




I love to sew and cook, so if you have need of such things, don't hesitate to ask.お料理やお裁縫は得意よ
If you have time, let's chat together awhile.時間があるのなら、お話でもしましょうか
Some say I'm terrifying when angry, but that's simply not true.怒らせたら怖いだなんて、そんなことはないわよ
I used to be a servant—now I ride a wyvern into battle. Life is strange, is it not?昔は使用人をしていたの…でも、戦う方が好きだわ
Are there any really adorable monsters here? Like the Risen?ここにはかわいい敵はいないの? 屍兵ちゃんみたいな
I wonder how things fare back in Rosanne...ロザンヌは今頃、どうなっているのかしら
No matter how dire the circumstance, you may rely on me and Minerva.戦況は厳しいけれど…いつでも私とミネルヴァちゃんを頼ってちょうだいね

아군 턴 터치

Quite so.あら
Shall we?行きましょうか

캐릭터 페이지로