공상을 배회하는 날개 클로에/대사


I am Chloé, a royal knight of Firene. This place is beautiful! I think it would suit Princess Céline perfectly.フィレネ王国の騎士、クロエよ。なんて素敵な場所なのかしら。主君であるセリーヌ様によく似合いそう。

There are so many delightful Heroes here. Princes, princesses, knights— and all so well-dressed!姫君の英雄と騎士の英雄、素敵だわ。まあ、あちらには水着の英雄さんが。どの組み合わせも絵になるわね。
As Princess Céline's retainer, I feel compelled to protect her at any cost. I'm sure you understand what I mean.わたしはセリーヌ様の騎士。あの方に仇成す者には容赦しないつもりよ。あなたにも、そういう人がいるでしょう?
If you're tired, some fried snake eyes should pep you right up. Oh, do they not make those here?もしかして、ちょっぴりお疲れかしら?そんな時は蛇の目玉の素揚げが一番よ。でも…ここにはないみたいね、残念。
Hmm...who would look best standing by your side! Oh, I know! How about the Hero you summoned last?考えていたの。召喚師さんのお隣には、誰がお似合いか。そうだ、一番最近に召喚した英雄さんなんてどうかしら?
Your divine weapon is so lovely. Not even my long-distance throwing compares to shooting shining orbs!あなたの神器、素敵だわ。きらきらした宝玉をあんなに遠くまで飛ばせるなんて。わたしの得意な遠投でも敵わないわね。

친구 방문

This castle reminds me of a fairy tale! You should go and take a look at [Friend]'s castle too.このお城、まるで御伽噺のように素敵ね。[フレンド]のお城にもぜひいつか遊びに来てほしいわ。

레벨 업

Like the moment of triumph at the end of a fairy tale!御伽噺を読んだあとのような、素敵な気持ちだわ。
I should treat myself to something tasty after all this hard work!うふふ。頑張ったご褒美に、屋台に行こうかしら。
Sorry about that. It's hard to focus when I'm hungry...ごめんなさい。少しお腹が空いていて…


You're giving this to me? Oh, I'm so happy! Thank you very much!こんなに沢山いただいていいの?嬉しいわ、ありがとう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, I'm so sorry! Was I staring at you again, [Summoner]?
I didn't mean anything by it. I just think you look picturesque in the company of all these Heroes.
Hm? You want me to be the one to keep you company today? Sure! That sounds great!
Spending time with you always feels like I'm getting a chance to take part in something magical.
So, what should we do? Do you want to go looking for folk food? I'd love to see you try something unique!
え? 今日はわたしの隣にいたい…?…そうね。ここに来てからわたしは、随分あなたと一緒の時間を過ごしたわね。





오의 발동

It's teatime!ティータイムよ
I'm ready to dig in!いただいちゃうわね
A happy ending.御伽噺のよう
How picturesque.絵になるわね


So this is how my story ends…ここで、おしまいね…


I'm glad I was summoned by such a charming person.こんな素敵な召喚師さんに喚び出されたなんて、うれしいわ
Oh? No need to make conversation. I'm content to stand here and daydream.あら、どうか他の方の隣に立っていらして。わたしはそれを遠くから拝見したいの
Is there a folk-food stall around here? I want to know what unique things people eat in this world.どこかに屋台はないのかしら。この地ならではの珍しい食べ物に興味があるわ
The Order of Heroes is altogether picturesque. The scenery, the Heroes... Together, they make for a charming sight!特務機関、素晴らしいわ。景色も英雄たちも、とっても絵になるのだもの
You look just like a fairy-tale hero! If you stood next to a spirit or a prince, that would really complete the picture.召喚士と英雄の組み合わせも、召喚師と王子の組み合わせも、御伽噺のようで素敵ね
What I would do for a bite of grilled gecko, deep-fried snake, or... Oh! Sautéed fish eyeballs!ああ、ヤモリの黒焼きに、蛇の素揚げ…魚の目玉のソテーが恋しいわ…
Being here, supporting you, I almost feel like an Emblem... I hope you know I'll always fight to protect my allies, whoever they are.頼りにされるのは嬉しいわ、紋章士たちもきっとこんな気持ちだったのかしら。どんな組み合わせで戦っても、負けないようにがんばるわね。

아군 턴 터치

How lovely.素敵ね
Say the word.連れて行って
Whatever you ask.なんでもするわ

캐릭터 페이지로