새로운 성왕 크롬/대사


I'm Chrom, leader of the Shepherds and Prince of the Halidom of Ylisse. For my friends...for peace...I'll fight.イーリス聖王国の王子、クロムだ。自警団の団長をしている。仲間のため、世界のために…俺は戦う。

Seeing you and Alfonse together reminds me of the time I've spent with a friend of mine...[召喚師]とアルフォンスのことを見ていると…昔のあいつと俺を思い出すな。
Back home, my Shepherds deal with outlaws and monsters. It's strange that here we battle against Heroes.自警団では、各地にはびこる賊や屍兵という化け物を退治していた。ここでは、英雄との戦闘が主なのだな。
Keeping watch? Your dedication reminds me of a certain tactician. Don't push yourself too hard!何だ、見回りか。お前はうちの軍師とやることが似ているな。あまり無理はするなよ?
Care to spar? Or perhaps we could just work on self-defense drills so I don't break anything...今度俺と訓練をしないか?護身術くらいなら教えてやるぞ。それなら壁に穴も空かん。
I was practicing my swing and wound up smashing a pot. Forgive me, [Summoner].…すまん、[召喚師]。ファルシオンで素振りをしていたら、飾ってあった壷を粉砕してしまった…

친구 방문

Ah, are you the master of this castle? I bring warm regards from [Friend].ここがお前の城か?[フレンド]がお前によろしく頼むと言っていたぞ。

레벨 업

No one can stop me now!もう俺は誰にも負けん…!
My strength comes from diligence.俺はもっと強くなる!
Well, that was underwhelming.すまん。あまり変わらなかったな…


I vow to use the power you grant me wisely and well.力をくれたのか、礼を言う。決して後悔はさせんぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

It seems like a lot of time has passed since you and I first met. At first I was bewildered, but...
your guidance has made me stronger. May we ever remain side by side.
You know, when I first met you, you reminded me a lot of Robin.
Not just your manner, but the way you plan, help everyone, and work to keep all of your allies alive.
There is no one I'd rather have guiding my steps. This bond we've built will last forever.





오의 발동

Anything can change!運命を変える!
I will not fail!俺は負けん!
Our bonds give me strength!これが絆だ!
I'll finish this!とどめは任せろ!




Our bonds are far stronger than destiny.この絆は、運命なんかよりもずっと強い
That's an unusual weapon you have.お前の武器は、変わっているな
Is your Order of Heroes something akin to my Shepherds?とくむきかん、とは…自警団のようなものか?
I hope things are well in Ylisse...イーリスは大丈夫なのだろうか…
I miss the advice of my tactician.俺には頼りになる軍師がついている
Damn it... Broke another training dummy...むう…また壁に穴を開けてしまった…
The bonds we forge are forever. I will always come to your aid, friend.この絆は永遠…俺はそう信じている。望めばいつでも、この手を貸そう。…友よ。

아군 턴 터치

All right.よし
Let's go.行くぞ

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I'll break you!叩き潰す!
Your life ends now.消してやる!
Turn to ash!灰になるがいい!

패배 - 신장

Did I get too heated...?熱く…なりすぎたか…

상태창 - 신장

I'm Chrom. This outfit seems to be from Múspell, the kingdom of flame.俺はクロム。この衣装は、炎の王国ムスペルのものだそうだ。
What, can't I dress a little differently? Come on, take a look if you're curious.おっと…なんだ、いつもと違うから珍しいのか? 触りたければ触るといい。
My elder sister always said that understanding other cultures is a virtue.違う文化を知るのはよいことだと、姉さんがよく言っていた。
I can't help but wonder what kind of place the kingdom of flame is, and how its people live. I'd like to visit one day.炎の王国か…どんなところか、民の暮らしを見てみたいものだな。
Múspell's generals burn fiercely. I had better match their intensity.ムスペルの将はみな熱く激しい。負けてはいられないな。
No matter what I may be wearing, I'm still the prince of Ylisse.どんな衣装を身に着けていても、俺はイーリス聖王国の王子だ。
The bond we share gives me the strength to fight. May we always stand together.お前との絆があってこそ、俺は戦える。これからも俺を支えてくれ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Is that the best option...?それが最善か…
I'll lend you my strength.力になろう

캐릭터 페이지로