여름의 최애도 존귀해 클랜/대사


I'm Clanne, Steward of the Dragon. I'm honored to be here, but I must find the Divine Dragon some shade.竜の守り人、クランです。こちらの現場に来られて感無量ですが、まずは日差しから神竜様をお守りしないと。

I like swimming fine, but try drawing a board game in the sand and using the the seashells as pieces. That's fun!泳ぐのもいいですが浜遊びもいいですよ。砂浜に盤面を描いて、貝殻を駒にすれば盤上遊戯の真似事もできちゃいます。
The holy land of Lythos had ocean all around it, with a large bay where everyone would swim in the summer.聖地リトスは海に囲まれていました。南方に大きな入り江があって、夏になると神職者も民も皆、そこで泳ぐんですよ。
I revere the Divine Dragon's presence in this lovely ocean setting, even while I'm enjoying the summer.たまには無心で夏を楽しもうと思っても青い空や海、赤い南国の花々に、尊き神竜様を重ねて拝んでしまいます。
The Divine Dragon Fan Club has to make a special-edition pamphlet for summer. Want to add a few words?折角の夏。神竜様ファンクラブとしては夏の特大号冊子を作らないといけません。召喚師様からも一言いただけますか?
These salty pickles are even tastier in this heat. I'd like to try making some from the vegetables in Askr.暑いので、しょっぱいピクルスがいつもよりおいしく感じます。アスクの野菜も漬けてみたいですね。

친구 방문

Is the Divine Dragon enjoying summer here too? Oh! I come with greetings from [Friend].[フレンド]さんから暑中のご挨拶です。こちらの神竜様も夏を満喫していらっしゃいますか?

레벨 업

It was worth the hard work, even if I did almost faint in the heat!暑さに卒倒しそうになりつつも頑張った甲斐がありました!
The steward's summer is only just getting started. It's going to be great!守り人の夏は、まだまだこれからです。
Vander warned me against letting my guard down, even during summer vacation...夏休みでも気を抜くなって、ヴァンドレさんに言われてたのに…


It seems as if the heat is a little more bearable now. Is this supposed to make you resistant to the sunshine?暑さが少し和らぎました。日差しにも強くなるんですか、これ?

5성 40레벨 달성

The sun's finally setting. Sunlight may be the main attraction of summer, but I really love the scenery at dusk.
The ocean turns a deep, dark blue with the scarlet sunset spread over it. It reminds me of the Divine Dragon.
What? Do you see someone in the summer scenery too? Tropical leaves and a faint yellow flower?
Seeing it reminds you of me? Wow! No one's ever said that to me before. Heh, I think you made me blush.
I see you in the white sand and bright ocean sometimes. This is how we can remember each other every summer!
え? 召喚師様も夏の景色に誰かを重ねることがおありなのですか?これは…南国の葉に、薄黄色の花?





오의 발동

A steward summer!守り人の夏だ!
Prepare to fall!卒倒させるよ!
I'll pickle you in brine!潮漬けにする!
Summer engage!サマーエンゲージ!


But I stayed hydrated...水分…しっかり取ったのに……


I'm sorry…this heat's a little much for me.すみません、暑いのはあまり得意じゃなくて。
Thank you for the summertime visit! You seem to be having fun, too.夏の指差しありがとうございます! いつもより熱烈ですね。
You should be swimming with the Divine Dragon, not here looking after me!僕に構うよりも、美しい海や浜辺、そして神竜様をご覧ください。
It's important to stay hydrated. Bring along a bottle and you can drink whenever you want!暑いときに水分は大事です。僕は瓶に詰めてこまめに飲んでいますよ。
Say...can you summon beachwear versions of your favorite Heroes whenever you want?召喚師様は、自分の推しを水着姿で召喚できるんですか?
Can you use seawater for pickling? Uh, the flavor might be...off, I guess.海水でピクルスを漬けたら、どうなるだろう…味薄いかな。
Building a sandcastle might be a bit childish, but what if I built Lythos Castle? Or the Somniel!砂のお城作りって子供っぽいと思っていましたが、リトスの神竜王城やソラネルを模したものを作るなら、布教として悪くないですね…!

아군 턴 터치

It's so sunny.日差しが…
I-is the Divine Dragon here?浜辺の神竜様は…
*sigh* I'm flushed!熱い目線です

캐릭터 페이지로