제멋대로인 공주장군 클라리네/대사
I am Clarine, the very talented daughter of Count Reglay of Etruria. And who, may I ask, are you? | エトルリア貴族リグレ公爵家の才女クラリーネとは私のことですわ!ところで、あなたはどなた? |
You may correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to know a bit of etiquette. Did you learn it where you're from? | あなた、見かけによらずレディに対する礼儀を知っているようですわね。元の世界で学んだんですの? |
I shall be a beautiful Mage General like Lady Cecilia in due time. Oh, if only my brother could see that day! | 将来はセシリア様のように、強く美しい魔道軍将になってみせますわ!お兄様、待っててくださいな。 |
Oh! On close inspection, you look twice as nice as I thought. But if you take a look at me, you'll see that I— Hey, are you listening to me?! | あら、あなた。よーくよーく見てみると、元の素材は意外と悪くないようですわ。私が麗しいお顔に変え…って聞いてますの! |
I am infinitely busy, of course, but I always have time for you. But, please, do me a favor and make it quick. | 私に何か御用ですの?私は忙しい身ですから、要件は早く済ませていただけないかしら? |
How to properly do this or that, such as wearing fashions or dancing... Why, it's all a cinch for me. | ドレスの着こなし、ダンスの作法…私にかかればお茶の子さいさいですわ! |
친구 방문
Ah. May I presume you to be [Summoner]? You have the great honor of receiving a greeting from me, in person. | [召喚師]ですわね。私がじきじきに、特別に、ご挨拶に来てあげましたわ。 |
레벨 업
It's only natural that I sparkle so! | ふふっ!これが私の実力ですわ! |
I come from a fine bloodline, so this is only expected. | 由緒ある血筋ですもの、このくらい当然ですわ。 |
What, nothing more? But that's preposterous! | そんな…信じられませんわ… |
A fine lady must sparkle in both strength and style. | レディたる者、強く美しくなければいけませんわ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
My word! Is it just me, or is nearly every single person here sorely lacking in etiquette? I don't mean you, of course. Never you—for I have the sort of manners never to say so! But I must risk offense and tell you the truth. People look to you to set a higher standard. What? They do! All are quite aware that if we don't use our napkins properly, it will be anarchy! So, because I am grateful for everything that you do, I will take you on as a special project. You'll have manners coming out your ears by the time I'm finished with you. Won't this be fun? | まったく!ここの皆様はなっておりませんわ!礼儀作法というものを軽んじています! いいですか! 皆が礼儀を守らなければ、皆を指揮する立場であるあなたが笑われてしまうんですのよ! えっ…? べ、べつに私はあなたや皆様のために言っているわけではございませんわ! …仕方ありませんわね。私がじきじきに、まずあなたに礼儀作法を指導してさしあげます。 いいですこと、これはとても「特別」なんですの!あなただから教えてさしあげるんですのよ! |
えいっ! | |
それっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
You beast! | けだもの…! |
오의 발동
Stop this at once! | おやめなさいっ! |
What insolence! | 無礼者っ! |
Stand back! | お下がりなさいな! |
Prepare to be dazzled! | 驚きなさい! |
Brother... | 助けて…兄さま… |
Uhuhu | うふふ |
I shall save you. | 助けてあげますわ |
You must be grateful! | 感謝なさいな |
Do you need me for something? Whatever can it be? | あら? 私(わたくし)に何か御用ですの? |
Now, just who do you think you are, getting my attention that way! | きゃっ!? わっ、私(わたくし)を誰だと思っていますの! |
I shall teach you the ways of superlative style. | 身だしなみを教えてさしあげますわ |
A lady must always aspire to the highest standards of beauty. | レディたる者、常に美しくあらねば |
Tea, with me... You know, I think I shall. | 本日はあなたとお茶会ですわよ |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | わかりましたわ |
Very well. | 仕方ありませんわね |
Shall we? | 参りますわよ |