어둠의 저격수 클라이네/대사


I'm Clarisse. I'm a cut above all the other rubbish you probably see around here.あたしはクライネ。そのへんにいる無価値なクズとあたしを一緒にしないでよね。

Hmpf...Heroes...from other worlds... I bet there's at least one of them who's not totally loyal to you.
You give the word, and then I'll get rid of whomever it is. Permanently.
異界の英雄ねえ…あんたに絶対服従してない奴もいるみたいだけど。どうするの? 念のために殺しとく?
Reese is not my sister. Maybe she and I made some pledge when we were children.
But that was then, and this is now. Who'd hold to silly promises like that anyway?
Hey, you. You're going to way too much trouble for everyone's sakes. Take a break, will you?
If you don't, I might just have to give you a permanent nap with my bow here.
Sure I follow your orders, but don't get the wrong idea. I'm...I'm just bound by a contract, all right?勘違いしないでよね。あんたに従ってあげてんのは、あくまで契約のせいなんだから。
Hey, if I fail miserably in battle and you don't want to keep me around anymore...
Oh, forget it. Do what you need to.
ねえ、もしあたしが負けて…あたしに価値がなくなったら……… …なんでもないわ。忘れて。

친구 방문

Don't worry. I'm not going to put an arrow in you. Just delivering a hello from [Friend].[フレンド]から挨拶。…何? なんかあたしに不満でもあるわけ?撃ち殺さないだけ感謝しなさいよ。

레벨 업

Wow! But then again, I'd expect nothing less.うそっ!? …ま、まあ、あたしにとっては当然だけど。
Huh. Good enough to prove you shouldn't throw me out.あたしは使えないクズじゃないってこと。わかった?
No, anything but this! Don't look at me.こんな姿…見られたくない…


Hmpf. Well, I won't be totally ungrateful about this.ふーん…一応、あんたに感謝してあげなくもないけど。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been thinking about something. Lots of time has gone by since I got here.
I've maybe helped you more than I like...but also sneered at you more than I should.
Still, the longer I'm here in the castle, I wonder if this is what having a family feels like.
Hey! Get that smile off your face. I'm only wondering! Not saying it's what I want!
Seriously, never bring this up again. Or else I'll have to—you know, put an arrow in your hide.
All right then, have we reached an understanding? Good.




I'll kill you for that...殺してやるから…

오의 발동

You filth!このゴミクズ
I'll put you out of your misery.撃ち殺してあげる
You're mine.あたしのものね
Now, die.死になさいな


I'll get you...見て…なさいよ…


What? Need my help or something?何? 私に用があるわけ?
Ah! Good way to wind up in a grave.きゃっ!? …あんた、殺されたいわけ?
Don't pretend like we're friends.あたしのことなんて、どうでもいいでしょ
Why are you nice to me?!なんで、あたしに優しくすんのよ
This kindness is getting old.本当にもう…むかつくわ
Alone...as always...また…あたし…一人…
I guess I'll listen to what you've got to say.あんたの言うことは聞いてあげるわ

아군 턴 터치


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