팔미라 국왕 클로드/대사
I'm Claude von Riegan. As King of Almyra, I forged peace with Fódlan. Happy to do the same with you. | 俺はクロード=フォン=リーガン。フォドラの隣国、パルミラの王だ。あんたとも友好関係を築けるといいな。 |
It's been a while since I've seen Teach with that hair color. Makes me feel like a kid again. | あの色の髪をしているきょうだいを見るのは久しぶりな気がするな…なんだか新鮮だよ。 |
After seeing him fight up close, I get why they call Dimitri the Tempest King. He really is like a windstorm. | ディミトリは「嵐の王」と呼ばれてたらしい。まあ、戦い方を見ていれば納得だよな。ちょっとした暴風みたいなもんだ。 |
Nice work on patrol. Diligence like yours is hard to come by. I can see why your allies rely on you. | 見回りご苦労さん、あんたもマメだな。まあ、そんなところが仲間からの信頼に繋がってるのかもな。 |
Each of us is weak on our own. Our strength comes from reaching out and opening our hearts to each other. | 俺たちは弱き者だ。だからこそ手を取って、心で触れ合い、ともに戦うんだ。 |
I hope someday to live in a world that cherishes differences in race and belief. Everyone's valuable. | 人間は民族や信仰の違いを乗り越えて誰もが平等に生きれるはずなんだ。いつかそんな世の中がくるといいな。 |
친구 방문
So you're [Summoner]. You seem about as sharp and capable as [Friend] said. | あんたが[召喚師]か。[フレンド]の言う通りなかなかの切れ者みたいだな。 |
레벨 업
History's written by the victors. That's just a fact. | 生き残った者が歴史を作る。これまでも、そしてこれからもな。 |
Can't afford to dwell on hard feelings. This is war, after all. | ま、恨みっこなしだ。これも戦争なんでね。 |
Looks like I slipped up! I'll make up the slack next time. | おおっと! やらかしちまったか?ま、次で挽回するさ。 |
Thanks. You won't regret this choice, I promise. | ありがとな。あんたの選択、後悔させねえよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
There you are. I've got a request for you, and I'll give it to you straight—it's a big one. After we've won peace for Askr, what would you say about coming with me back to Almyra? I know it's a lot to ask, and I don't even know how we'd manage to get you there right now... But I've come to value your strength, and if you're willing, I'm sure we'll find a way when the time comes. For now, just give it some thought. With you by my side, there's no telling what we could accomplish. | 回りくどい駆け引きはなしだ。なあ、[召喚師]… アスク王国が平和になったら俺の祖国、パルミラに来ないか?俺はあんたの力、高く買ってるんだ。 あんたをどうやってパルミラへ連れて行くかその方法はあとから考えればいい。 大事なのは、あんたの意思だ。まあ、すぐに答えるのが難しいなら戦いが終わるまでじっくり考えてくれ。 あんたがそばにいてくれたらみなが笑って暮らせる世界を作れそうだ。これからも、よろしく頼むぜ。 |
(exertion) | うぉらっ |
(exertion) | でりゃあっ |
(exertion) | うっお… |
(exertion) | あっぶね…! |
오의 발동
This is it! | これで決まりだ |
Let's finish this! | 終わりにしようぜ |
Another successful scheme! | 策が効いたな |
Take your final bow! | お一人様、退場だ |
Sorry, but...it's up to you now. | 悪いな…後は頼む… |
Hm... | ふうん… |
This is traditional Almyran wyvern rider garb. Looks pretty neat, huh? | これはパルミラの竜騎兵の恰好さ。なかなかのもんだろ? |
Hey now, there are better ways to get my attention. I'm not some kid anymore, you know. | おっと…いい加減にしろよ。今の俺、結構えらいんだぜ。 |
There are so many people here from all walks of life working together... It's pretty much my ideal spot! | いろんな奴らが当たり前に一緒にいる。ここは俺の理想に近い場所だな。 |
Fódlan isn't going to change itself. Sometimes it takes an outsider to make things happen. | フォドラを変えるには、内側からだけじゃ駄目なんだ。 |
I want to see Fódlan welcome a new dawn, and I hope to have my friends there by my side... | 俺はフォドラの夜明けが見たい。その時は、きょうだいと一緒に… |
It may not be what I had hoped for... But it's time to move forward, right? | 理想的な結末じゃあなかったが…前に進むしかない。そうだろ? |
There's a lot I could learn from you. I could use some of your tactics back in Fódlan. | あんたから盗めるものは盗ませてもらう。帰った時のためにな。 |
아군 턴 터치
At the ready. | わかった |
Let's hear it. | 間違っちゃいないが… |
On it! | 行ってくる |