청해에 이야기하는 금사슴 클로드/대사
I'm not really "delegation" material... But if you really want me to head the Day of Devotion, I'll do my best! | 愛の祝祭の主役一同だなんて、皇女様や王子様にはお似合いだけどな。まあ、俺も出来る限り務めさせてもらうよ。 |
Don't go into this without some kind of plan, got it? It's a festival. Just map it out and you'll be fine. | 行き当たりばったりは無しだぜ?皆が無軌道になるお祭りごとだからこそ、計画的にいかないとな。 |
If you think gift-giving is a big deal here, you should see it at Garreg Mach Monastery! | 思えばガルグ=マクの士官学校でも贈り物ってのは大きな意味があったな。人心掌握の要みたいなもんだからな。 |
I love hosting festivals and banquets. It feels so good when it all comes together and everyone is having fun. | 祭りや宴は大好きでね。準備や裏方の役割も得意さ。遠慮なく何でも言ってくれて構わんぜ。 |
It's much easier to trust people here than in Faerghus or the Adrestian Empire... Maybe that's unfair to say. | アスクはいい国だ、何より人がいい。アドラステアやファーガスなんかより信頼できる……って、さすがに言い過ぎか。 |
Is that a board-game piece? So that's where I dropped it. Thank you! | あ……これは盤上遊戯の駒じゃないか。この城で落としちまっていたとはね。ずっと探してたんだよ、ありがとな。 |
친구 방문
Here, this was left for you. Sorry, but festival preparations are taking up all of [Friend]'s time. | [フレンド]は祭りの準備で忙しくしてるよ。これはお裾分けってやつだな。 |
레벨 업
My dream is your dream! Today, we need to make sure it blooms! | 俺の夢、あんたの夢!花開くそのときまで、今日という日を楽しもう! |
Everything is ready. I should be able to finish giving out gifts just in time for the banquet. | 俺の段取りに抜かりはないぜ?贈り物を配り終えた頃には宴の準備はすっかり整ってる筈さ! |
I thought I was ready. I was wrong. | まだ準備不足だったか? |
Great thinking! I was just saying how you should never skip a chance to learn something new about yourself. | そうだな、折角だから新しい自分も探してみたいところだ。あんたも悪くない感性してるよな。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Found you, [Summoner]! You promised to show me around Askr after the festival. I'm going to hold you to that, so don't forget. This festival may not be perfect, but it's still very impressive. You can really get a sense of Askr's culture and traditions. There's so much warmth and love here. It's had me thinking about how to share my traditions. I think I know. I'd like to show you my homeland. Not right at this moment, of course. But please! Take this bouquet as a promise that someday we'll go. Here, [Summoner]. Now we've both made promises. | 見つけたぞ、[召喚師]。この国を案内してくれる約束を……今したぞ、祭りの後でよろしくな。 この愛の祝祭、よく出来た形式だが俺なりに改善点も発見したよ。ただ、提案すべきかは難しい問題だな。 やりすぎてもいけないし、この国や人の流儀というものも尊重すべきだ。だから今はこれでいい。 その代わり俺は考えた。この祭りの仕組みに従って、何をすべきか…… そうさ。俺の答えは、あんたを俺の故郷に誘うことだ。 この花束はその告白の証……照れることはないだろう。受け取ってくれ、[召喚師]。 |
- | せいっ |
- | おりゃあっ! |
- | おっと…! |
- | この野郎…! |
오의 발동
Day of Devotion! | 愛の祭りだとよ |
A token of gratitude. | 感謝の証だ |
Maybe you'll like this. | これは気に入るかな |
Here, take it! | ほら、受け取れ! |
I've been hit. | あいたたた…やられた… |
Heh. | うーん… |
I'm always humble and thankful for those around me. Really! | 俺はいつでも謙虚に周囲に感謝してるぜ。ほんとだって! |
Whoa! Hey, can't you calm down at least for today? | おわっ!? あんたなあ、こんな日くらい大人しくしろよ。 |
Flowers are a good gift. A fleeting one, but good. | 贈り物に花ってのはいいよな。儚いところなんて特に。 |
The world will fall apart if people believe they're surviving through their own strength alone. | 人が自分の力だけで生きてると勘違いしたらおしまいだな。 |
If you want to show your gratitude, I'd love to have a party. | 俺への感謝を示してくれるなら、宴が一番有り難いぜ。 |
I'm not sure this is my style but...here I am with a bouquet of flowers. | …にしたって花束ねえ。俺の柄じゃない気がするが。 |
You must already be drowning in gratitude but...here's mine too. | あんたは山ほど感謝されてると思うが、俺からも受け取ってくれよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
I'll do it. | なるほど |
A choice is made... | 悩みどころだな |
All right, then. | さぁてと |