금색의 바람 클로드/대사


A festival of wind, eh? Well, you've piqued my interest. Count me in.へえ。風の部族の祭りだって?だったらこの俺も一枚噛ませてもらうとしようか。

It's easy to overlook what you can't see, but the wind is how seeds get scattered. We couldn't live without it.風には命の種子を運ぶ役目もある。たとえ目には見えなくとも世界には必要なものなのさ。
I'm well acquainted with the wind. I negotiate with it every time I ride a wyvern or shoot a bow.俺にとって風は身近なものだよ。弓を射るときや飛竜に乗るとき風を読むことが大切なんでね。
So this is the garb of the Wind Tribe, huh? They know how to read the breeze, I'll give them that.これが風の部族の装束か。なるほど、こいつなら風を読みやすい。気に入ったよ。
If we're calling it a wind festival, then I expect it to be a wild party, full of freedom. No stuffy rules allowed!形にとらわれない楽しい宴!風の祭りと言うからにはそいつを期待してもいいんだろ?
The wind in Askr is no different from the wind in Fódlan. They're both invigorating, full of life and love.フォドラとアスク王国に吹く風は似ている気がするよ。どこか優しくて、心地いい。

친구 방문

I'm Claude of House Riegan. If you want to enjoy the wind festival, try [Friend]'s castle.俺はリーガン公爵家のクロード。[フレンド]は風の部族のお祭りを楽しんでいるよ。

레벨 업

Nothing like the wind at your back.いい風が吹いてるな。そいつが結果につながったってわけだ。
You think I'm slippery? Try and catch the wind.捉えどころがないって?それが風ってやつさ。
Ugh—don't stand downwind of this. It stinks.どっちかって言うとこいつは逆風だな。


Whenever the wind is behind you, you've got to take advantage.追い風が吹いてきたな。この機を逃す手はないか。

5성 40레벨 달성

You can't see, smell, or taste the wind. The only way to sense it at all is through touch.
Fortunately, touch is all you need to make the wind your ally—if you know how to listen to what it's telling you.
Which way's it blowing? How strong? Is it soft and steady, or is it coming at you in big, wild gusts?
If you can read the wind, you can live by it. And it's far more reliable than leaving your fate up to chance.
I don't have to tell you that, though. You're as good at reading the wind as I am, [Summoner].
For my part, I need to study up. I've got a few ideas about how to make the wind a bigger part of my life...





오의 발동

This'll blow you away.吹っ飛べよ
Better move...どけどけ!
Riding high.風にのって…
Scatter in the breeze!飛び散れ!


Dust in the wind.あーあ…しくじった…


This tribe can control the wind, huh? Fascinating. What kind of magic is that?異界には面白い部族がいるんだな。風を操るって、魔道とは違うのか?
*laugh* A textbook move like that won't catch me by surprise.うおっ…っと反撃! ははっ、お前の攻撃は単調なんだよ。
So this is basically just a feast, right? Count me in.祭りは嫌いじゃないぜ。宴と似たようなもんだろ?
I feel a bit strange wearing this outfit...in other words, pretty much normal.それにしたって妙な装束だな…。いや、妙とか言っちゃ悪いか。
Nobles and commoners from all manner of worlds and cultures live as equals here. I love it.ここじゃあ貴族も平民も、異界の部族も対等で居心地がいいぜ。
We all need a breather now and then—especially when things are tense.どんな緊迫した状況でも息抜きは必要だよな。
You know, you've got a calming air about you. I appreciate that.風っていうか…、あんたのそばにはゆったりした空気が流れてるよな。

아군 턴 터치

You ready?そうか
We've got options...その手もあるな
Let's take flight!ひゅー!

캐릭터 페이지로