세계를 잇는 왕 클로드/대사


I'm Claude von Riegan. Though...I no longer introduce myself as a Riegan. Or as Claude, as a matter of fact.俺はクロード=フォン=リーガン……いや、もうリーガンを名乗るのはやめたんだった。そもそもクロードも…

It's up to me to plot a course to a bright new age. Of course, I'm happy to apply my experience here too.俺はこれから、新しい時代ってやつを描かなきゃならなくってね。ここでの経験を活かせるといいんだが。
I'll leave Fódlan in Teach's hands while I try to change things beyond its borders. Hope it all works out.フォドラの大地は先生に任せて、俺は外から世界を変えるつもりなんだ。上手くいくといいんだがなあ。
At a certain point you have to put the pen down and put schemes into action, ready or not.
...What, not persuasive coming from me?
Fighting for your life day after day is exhausting to both body and mind. I suggest grand post-battle feasts!毎日が殺し合いじゃ、心も体もボロボロになっちまう。だからこそ、戦いの後には盛大な宴が必要ってわけだ!
Whether it's battle or governing, if you stick to the old ways, you never break out of the same tired patterns.戦い方にしても、国の治め方にしても、今までのやり方に縛られていたら、新しいやり方は生まれないと、俺は思うね。

친구 방문

I have a message of friendship here from [Friend].
You two have a good thing going, if you ask me.

레벨 업

Even I have room to grow.俺もまだまだやれそうだな。
Getting a little stronger is never a bad thing.強くなっておいて損はない。
Well, no use panicking at this point...まあ、今さら焦ってもな。


With this power, I'll plot a course to a bright new age.この力で、新たな時代を描いてやるさ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I never had much faith in gods or goddesses, [Summoner].
But now, seeing godlike folks isn't out of the ordinary. That's what it seems like, anyway.
Do you believe in destiny? Like the kind of miraculous encounters that change your life?
Surprise meetings that are somehow inevitable at the same time? You get what I'm saying, don't you?
I feel that my meeting you was part of my destiny. Maybe even a miracle of some god's design...
Well, if that god knows how I feel, they'll know I ought to stick with you a while longer, for a brighter future.





오의 발동

I won't back down!譲れないんだよ
Ready or not, here it comes!覚悟の上だろ?
Hold a grudge if you must.恨めばいいさ
Leave. Now.消えてくれ


Sorry, but...it's up to you now.人の夢は…儚い、か…


Nobles and commoners are equals here...that suits me just fine.貴族も平民もここじゃ対等だ、俺もそのほうが居心地がいい。
Don't spook me like that! I'm just mixing up some peaceful poisons, don't mind me.うおっ! 脅かすなっての…毒薬を調合中なんだ、邪魔しないでくれ。
I have to believe this path leads to the sight I dream of seeing...この道が、俺が見たい景色に繋がっていると信じたいんだ。
A good general doesn't count on luck to win the day.一軍の将なら、勝負は時の運とか無責任なことは言ってほしくないね。
If worrying's your thing, have at it. Otherwise, let's feast!悩んで得るものがあるなら悩めばいいが、そうじゃないなら…宴だ!
I think the world would be better off without borders, but that's just me...国境なんてなくしちまえば、スッキリしそうなもんだが…
I want to know more about you... Um, not in a creepy way. I just find you intriguing!あんたのことを、もっと知りたい。変な意味じゃなくて…純粋な興味だ。

아군 턴 터치

Sure thing.おう
What's this?どうなんだ?
Let's go!よし、行こうか

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