야망의 총아 클로드/대사
I'm Claude. I'm not big on formalities, so no need to put on airs. Feel free to throw me a feast any time, though. | 俺はクロードだ。堅苦しいのは苦手でね、気楽に接してもらえると助かる。宴のお誘いなら、いつでも大歓迎だ。 |
I'm not thrilled about how I got here, but seeing folks from different worlds work together like this? It's nice. | 一方的に呼び出すのはどうかと思うが…世界の枠を超えて数多の英雄が集う、ってのは…うん、悪くない風景だよ。 |
Someday I'll lead the Leicester Alliance, but my ambitions are far grander. I want to change the world. | 俺の野望は世界の在り様を変えること…いずれ俺が盟主となるレスター諸侯同盟も、野望を遂げるための道具に過ぎんさ。 |
I like you. If you want something, you don't just pray for it—you take action. We have that in common. | 生き延びたいなら、神に祈るよりも実際に行動を起こすべきだ。その点、お前はよく働いていて好感が持てるよ。 |
Everyone here takes themselves so seriously. Why don't we have a feast? That would lighten things up. | せっかく異界の英雄が集まってるってのになんで宴を催さないんだ?こういう場合、何を差し置いても宴だろ? |
I've been mixing up a new poison. Some might call it a dirty trick, but I just like to come prepared. | ああ、新しい毒薬を調合してたところだ。卑怯な策だろうが準備しといて損はない。手札は多けりゃ多いほどいい…だろ? |
친구 방문
I was asked to say hello by [Friend], so... Hello! And with that, I'll be off. | [フレンド]から伝言だ。あんたと仲良くやりたいってさ。じゃ、そういうことで。 |
레벨 업
Sometimes I even surprise myself. | ここまで強くなれるとはなあ。 |
I expected as much. | ま、想定どおりだな。 |
Not one of my finer moments. | やれやれ、だ。 |
I'll put this power to good use. | この力、有効に使わせてもらうよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I didn't plan on staying here this long. Time flies, I guess. Sometimes I wish I could leave, but then I think about... You. There's something about you. You have a presence that compels people to follow you—me included. I've never been much of a follower, but you make me so curious, I can't help but stay by your side. I'll go back to my world someday. Before that happens, though, I want to learn more about you. So I'm planning to stick close to you from now on. That won't be an issue, right? I'm a useful guy to have around. | やれやれ…こんなに長居する気はなかったんだが、時の経つのは早いもんだ。 しかし、あんたは面白いな。特別な力を持ってることはもちろんだが、寡黙なくせに、その存在感は… うん、実に興味深いよ。もっとあんたのことを深く知りたい…その衝動を抑えられる自信がない。 いずれ俺は元の世界に戻されるんだろう?その前に、あんたの正体に迫る…それが、この世界での、俺の密かな野望なんだ。 というわけで、これからもあんたの近くにいさせてもらうが…俺は役に立つ男だから迷惑にはならないだろ? なあ? |
はあっ! | |
おらあっ! |
うおおっ | |
効いたぜ…! |
오의 발동
Strategy in motion! | これも策のうちさ |
My moment has arrived! | この時を待ってた |
Don't hold this against me, OK? | 恨まないでくれよ? |
Enough is enough. | 邪魔すんなって |
We'll call it...a stalemate. | 見立てが…甘かったか… |
Right here! | はっははは |
People say I'm not very noble. That's a compliment, right? | 俺は貴族らしくないってよく言われるんだが…誉め言葉だよな? |
Don't spook me like that! I mean...it's not like I was scheming or anything. | うわっ! 脅かすなよ…ああ、いや、やましいことをしてたわけじゃないが。 |
The world would be better off without the false belief systems that we're bound to... Eh, that's what I think anyway. | 押し付けられた価値観に縛られる必要はない…と、俺は思うぜ。 |
It’s time to celebrate! If you even think about sleeping tonight, I’ll consider it a personal insult. | さあ、宴だ宴だ!!今夜はあんたを寝かさないぜ?…なんてな。 |
Back home, we have a tradition. Win or lose, we celebrate with a rowdy feast! | 戦いの後は、勝っても負けても宴で騒ぐ…これが俺の故郷の流儀でね。 |
We only have this one life...and counting on the gods will just get you killed. | 神様なんかを当てにしてたら、命がいくつあっても足りないっての。 |
You and I, we're both outsiders in this world. All the more reason to stick together. | この世界じゃ俺もあんたも「異物」だろ? 似た者同士、仲良くしようぜ。 |
아군 턴 터치
All right. | ああ |
Where to? | どうするんだ? |
Lead and I'll follow. | じゃ、行こうか |