성야의 금사슴 클로드/대사


Claude von Riegan, here for all your winter-festival needs. Now, what's our first move?クロード=フォン=リーガンだ。冬祭りの使者を務めることになった。さてと…どこから攻めるとするかな?

These presents weigh a ton... Is now a good time to mention that I never carry my books to class?贈り物、ずいぶんと大荷物なんだな。非力な俺は書物くらいしか持てないが…まあ、頑張ってみるか。
Winter is pretty harsh in Fódlan. Even warm Adrestia in the south gets hit by freezing sea winds.フォドラの冬はなかなか厳しくてな。暖かいアドラステアの南ですら海から冷たい風が吹き付けるのさ。
Hey! If you were a good kid, you'd be sound asleep. Real shame that you must not want presents this year...おいおい、良い子は寝る時間だぜ?じゃないと、贈り物をこっそり枕元に置けないだろ?
I'm not really a "divine intervention" kind of guy. I think miracles are the result of dedicated effort.神頼みってのは嫌いなんだ。だけど、努力を超えた先にある奇跡ってのは…存在するかもな。
We won't get any gifts delivered if we panic. Let's take a minute to breathe and think up a strategy.贈り物をやみくもに配り歩いたところで夜が明けちまう。ここは作戦を立てて計画的に動くとしようか。

친구 방문

Here's a winter festival gift from [Friend].
I'm a busy man with places to be, so...later!

레벨 업

Only a few more presents left to deliver. Let's finish strong and celebrate our victory with a feast!仕上げは上々。さっさと贈り物を配り終えて宴の準備といこう!
Some bumps in the road are to be expected. Don't worry, I've got a thing or two up my sleeve.邪魔が入るってのも想定内だ。そのための策は練ってある。
Brrr! Cold fingers do not an accurate marksman make...手がかじかんで狙いが狂っちまったな…。


For me? I graciously accept!俺にも贈り物をくれるってのか?遠慮なくもらっておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Winter festival keeping you busy, [Summoner]? Me too.
A little strategy and planning goes a long way, though. All my gifts have been delivered.
It's nothing compared to what these kids really need, of course. An end to all this war. A life of peace.
But let's not kid ourselves—that's more than we could ever hope to deliver in one night.
Still, I hope these gifts will tide them over in the meantime and keep their spirits up.
Let them enjoy the winter festival while we work on getting them the gift they deserve most of all.





오의 발동

Got you something!贈り物だぜ
This is for you!受け取れよ
To all a good night!いい夜を!
Let's enjoy ourselves.楽しもうぜ


I'm freezing...くっそ…寒いな…


Winter festulations! Wait, that doesn't sound right, does it? Enh!冬祭り、おっめでとーう! え、違う? まあいいじゃねえか。
Careful with the cold hands! You could startle somebody that way.ひゃっ! 冷たい手で触るなよ。びっくりするだろ。
It's great to see everybody giving gifts to kids. Really builds community.夢見るお子様たちに贈り物をお届けか。奉仕活動だな。
That big tree with all the decorations on it is gorgeous. I wish I could take it back to Garreg Mach and show everybody there.あのでっかい飾りのついた木、ガルグ=マクに持って帰りたいもんだな。
After the presents are out, let's gather everyone up for a huge feast. Then we can all just watch the snow together and unwind.終わったら雪を見ながら宴といこうか!
What do I want? Well, it's not something you can put in a box and wrap with a bow.俺の欲しいものは、枕元には大きすぎるから届かねえな。
You're never gonna believe the gift I found for you. *chuckle*あんたへの贈り物は…。へへっ、驚くなよ?

아군 턴 터치

I'll deliver.お届けだ

캐릭터 페이지로