완전무결의 신부 티아모/대사


I am Cordelia. I know, I know! But don't worry. I can fight just fine in this. It's not a wedding dress!あたしはティアモ。こんな格好だけど、抜かりなく戦うわ。結婚式から逃げてきたわけじゃないわよ?

What? How do I picture my ideal marriage?! Well... My husband and I would always get along, and...
It'd be nice if we had a little girl.
え!? り、理想の結婚生活…?そりゃあ、旦那様とはいつまでも仲良しで、子供は女の子がいいな、とか…
Everyone keeps asking, but no, I wasn't summoned in the middle of a wedding ceremony.
Where I come from, this uniform is formal battle dress.
I can move just fine in this dress, so send me into battle. I just want to help—with anything that needs doing.任務ならあたしにも手伝わせて。ドレスでの身のこなしは完璧だもの、雑用でも何でもやってみせるわ。
Do you have your eye on anyone? Just tell me, and I'll use my bow to turn them your direction.
No, not really.
あなた、好きな人はいる?いるんだったらこの弓で相手を射抜いて振り向かせてあげるわよ? なんてね。
Hmm... Compared to my armor... Ahh, [Summoner]! I was just adjusting my dress!うーん…もうちょっと量が要るかしら…きゃっ、[召喚師]!?む、胸に布なんか詰めてないわよ!?

친구 방문

I bring greetings from [Friend].
Am I headed to a wedding? Er...no. I guess I can see why you ask...
[フレンド]から挨拶よ。え? 今から結婚式なのかって…やっぱりそう見えるかしら?

레벨 업

I think I have what it takes... For battle, and for love.こ、これならいつでも本物の花嫁さんになれるかしら…!
I guess training in this dress gives decent results.花嫁修業はなかなかの成果のようね。
At this rate... Will I find the one to return my love?こんな花嫁じゃ貰い手が見つからないわ…


Thanks to all you've done for me, I can wear this dress with pride.手をかけてくれてありがとう。おかげでドレスも綺麗なままだわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've finished my patrol. I've checked our supplies, too. I've been looking for you, [Summoner].
What? That's not a job for a bride? Don't kid around. You know I'm a soldier.
Wait.. Is it that you don't want me to spoil my dress?
I'm right? Er... How embarrassing! But thanks for the compliment, all the same.
Well, why not? You've been so nice to me... I'll try being a bride for you.
Ha! You're blushing! How cute.
Shall we walk onto the battlefield, arm-in-arm? Maybe we do make a good couple...
へ? 花嫁はそんなことしなくていい…?今更なによ、いつもこの姿で戦ってるのに。あたしがあんまり綺麗だから遠慮してるの?


Here I go!いくわよ!


You'll ruin my dress!台無しじゃない!

오의 발동

Right in the heart!射止めてあげる
You are mine!運命の人ね
Bridal strike!ブライダルアタック!
Pledge your love!愛を誓いますか?


Oh, love...永遠に…愛しているわ…


Well, as you can see, this is just perfect.少し、照れくさいわね…
I'll prove myself no matter what I'm wearing.どんな格好でも、うまく戦ってみせるわ
There's a saying: bride in June, groom shall swoon.6の月の花嫁は幸せになれるっていう言い伝えがあるのよ
In Ylisse, it's tradition to pledge your devotion...to Naga, the divine dragon.イーリスでは、神竜ナーガに永遠の愛を誓うのが習わしよ
A proposal ought to be done only when the time is right, never sooner.プロポーズは絶対、雰囲気のいい場所じゃないとね
Someday...someday...I would love to be married in a dress like this.あたしもいつか、こんなドレスで式を挙げたいわね…
Will I ever pledge my love to anyone...? We shall see. Until then, I pledge my service to you.私たち、永遠の愛は誓えないかもしれないけど…この戦が終わるまで傍にいると誓うわ。

아군 턴 터치

Be happy.幸せにしてね
I will.誓います

캐릭터 페이지로