고고한 창 쿠거/대사


I'm Cormag, a knight of Gra— No... I'm just another wyvern knight now. But I know my way around a lance.俺はクーガー。グラド帝国の…いや、今はひとりの竜騎士だ。槍の扱いには心得がある、任せておけ。

My countrymen have committed atrocities, and I will not rest until they pay. On my brother's name, I swear...卑劣な行いをした輩には、必ず報いを受けさせてやる。そう、必ずだ…兄貴のためにも…
Grado, though once poor, made great strides thanks to its emperor and generals... Where did it go so wrong?グラド帝国は皇帝と将軍たちの下で貧しくとも確かな繁栄を築いていたのに…どこかで何かが間違ったんだ、何かが……
Hauling cargo, huh? If you need grunt work done, just leave it to me and my wyvern friend here.荷物運びか。そういった事なら俺と相棒に任せておけ。
Interested in my wyvern, are you? His name's Genarog, and he's good with people. Just treat him with respect.俺の飛竜に興味があるのか?名はゲネルーガ、人にも優しいやつさ。だが、うかつに触れると機嫌を損ねるぞ。
I, uh...found this stray kitten. You know where her parents might be? She needs to get back home...なあ、子猫を拾ったんだが…こいつの親を知らないか?ちゃんと返してやらないと…

친구 방문

I'm Cormag. I've heard high praise of you from [Friend].俺はクーガー。そういえば[フレンド]がお前のことを気にしていた。

레벨 업

This is the might of a Grado knight!どうだ!これこそが…誇り高き、グラド帝国騎士の実力だ!
I won't lose, Brother. No matter what!兄貴…俺は負けないぜ…絶対に、負けやしない……!
If this keeps up, my quest for vengeance will be over before it begins...ダメだ、こんなザマじゃ仇討ちどころか…


I'll give you a good show next time I'm on the field. Consider it my way of thanking you.受けた恩は必ず返す。次の戦いでは期待していてくれ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Might I ask...what you fight for? What makes all of the scars worth it to you, [Summoner]?
To repay Emperor Vigarde's grace, I fought in his name—with pride even. But now...I find myself lost.
My brother and I were never the type to hurt others without reason.
That's why we vowed to grow strong: to usher in an age free of conflict. Of course! THAT is why we fight...
Thank you for helping me remember, my friend. I will redouble my efforts toward making manifest that dream.





오의 발동

Foes must fall. It's simple.敵は倒す、それだけだ
Your death will be agonizing.楽には死ねんぞ
Such foolishness!ふざけるな!
You disgust me.見苦しい


Blast! Not like this...くそっ…兄貴なら……


I'm Cormag. And this wyvern is Genarog. Nice to meet you.クーガーだ。こいつは飛竜のゲネルーガ。よろしく頼む。
What's that? Er... Not sure what you want, nor what I should say.うおっ…な、何をする! こういうのは苦手なんだ……
For atonement, revenge, entertainment...for power, or for fun... I-I don't know why I fight.復讐、罪滅ぼし、偽善……戦う理由なんて、俺自身にも分からない。
Grado was once a magnificent country. I am not ashamed of the fact that I'm from Grado.グラドは素晴らしい国だった。俺はあの国の人間であることを誇りに思う。
Is there a cleric in the castle? This kitten needs healing!おい、ここにシスターはいるか? この子猫を治してほしいんだが…
No matter where I go or what I do, I'm sure my brother would understand.俺がどこにいて何をしようとも、兄貴なら…きっと分かってくれる。
My brother believed in Princess Eirika. And I will believe in you.兄貴はエイリーク王女を信じていた。俺も、お前を信じようと思う。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.構わん。
It'll be done.やってやる。

캐릭터 페이지로