별밤의 예언자 카무이/대사


I'm Corrin, and I've brought plenty of sweets for all these festivalgoers!僕はカムイ。収穫祭に参加するみんなへ、ステキなお菓子をたくさん用意したよ!

People from Hoshido might mistake me for a mage from Nohr. What do you think, [Summoner]?この格好を白夜王国の人が見たら、暗夜の魔道士に間違われるかもね。[召喚師]はどう思う?
Wearing a costume is an interesting experience. You get to become an entirely different person for a while.仮装はおもしろいね。いつもとは違う自分になれるような……
I like the idea of Nohr and Hoshido celebrating one another's fashions. It helps us understand each other.暗夜と白夜も、相手の国の衣装を着るお祭りなんかがあれば良いね。お互いのことを知るのは大事だから。
I've got a whole bag full of sweets. Would you like one? OK, open wide— here comes the candy broom!右腰の袋にはお菓子が入ってるんだ。虹みたいにキラキラして、甘いお菓子だよ。味見させてあげようか、ほら口を開けて……
See these bats? I trapped them in webs. That's what happens when you try to trick me!左の腰のコウモリが気になる?これはね…ほら、ビョーンと伸びる網なんだ。いたずらする子は、つかまえちゃうぞっ!

친구 방문

We're celebrating the harvest festival! Want to join? Get your costume and come to [Friend]'s![フレンド]の城では収穫祭のパレードの真最中だよ。遊びに来るときは仮装をお忘れなく!

레벨 업

Are you enjoying this harvest festival as much as I am?ハッピーフェスティバル!戦いは終わりだよ、さあ握手をしよう!
I won't stand for anyone trying to get treats without tricks!力づくでお菓子をもらおうなんて輩には、おしおきだからね!
Oh no, I'm all out of sweets. Don't worry, though—I'll restock later for you, I promise!あっ……ごめんね。お菓子を切らしてしまっていたよ!あとで持ってくるから、泣かないで……


Oh, thanks! What a great gift to celebrate the festival.お祭りだからかなあ、いつもより気持ちがいいんだよ。ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, good to see you! Are you enjoying the evening's festivities, [Summoner]? Good.
My siblings have all been very curious about my costume. They all thought I was supposed to be a Dark Mage!
Not exactly what I was going for, but it makes sense. The look does have a Nohrian feel to it.
It's interesting how people are drawn to the familiar, even when they're in another world, don't you think?
It makes me wonder if some human tendencies are just inescapable. Like conflict, for example.
Ah, sorry. I don't mean to bring down the mood. Let's focus on what matters: enjoying the harvest festival!





오의 발동

Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
How's this?いたずらするよ
Did I scare you?びっくりした?
You do have candy, right?お菓子はどこかな


One trick too many...いたずらが…すぎたかな…


Is this how wizards really dress? I love the hat!これは魔法使いの仮装だよ。大きな帽子が気に入ってるんだ。
Whoa! You're good at playing tricks too, huh?わっ!? さすが、君はいたずらでも一枚上手だね。
There's so much variety in these costumes. Wait... What's that one supposed to be?いろんな仮装の人がいるね。あっ、あれはなんだろう?
Look at all the masks on display. That pumpkin one's great! I considered it myself.僕もあのかぼちゃのお面をかぶってみたかったな。
Ooh, sorry, I'm fresh out of treats. All my brothers and sisters…ごめん、お菓子はもうないんだ。妹や弟たちに配ってしまって…
If I were a real wizard, do you think I could find a way for all of my siblings to be together?本当に魔法が使えたら…きょうだいみんなで歩む未来を…
I cannot wait to see your costume. Hang on… You're not planning on wearing one?君の仮装を楽しみにしてたんだけど、しないのかい?

아군 턴 터치

Good plan.いいね
What shall I do?どうしよう?
What a festival!お祭りだね

캐릭터 페이지로