어두운 암룡의 신자 카무이/대사


I chose a path, and it ended the war. Sacrifices were made, but we move on, toward a more glorious future.私は一つの道を選び…戦争を終わらせました。犠牲は少なくありませんでしたが…より良い未来のため、この道を歩み続けます。

The war with Hoshido took many sacrifices, but...I truly believe we have achieved a lasting peace.白夜王国との戦争…犠牲は少なくありませんでしたが、私達は平和を勝ち取ったと信じています。
Together, we of the Nohrian royal family will create a grand new era. The kind people will sing songs of.新たな暗夜王となったマークス兄さん、カミラ姉さん、レオンさん、エリーゼさん…みんなで素晴らしい時代を作ります。
I may not look it, but I am no stranger to war. So, please, let me assist you in battle, [Summoner].こう見えても私、戦いには慣れているんです。[召喚師]さんこそ、あまりムチャしないでくださいね。
Hinoka will be Hoshido's next queen. She's been so kind to me...despite having every reason to detest me.白夜王国の次期女王はヒノカ姉さん…どんなに憎まれても仕方ないのに、姉さんは私に優しくしてくれました…
This cape sometimes gets tangled up in my leg armor... Never you mind though. I can fix it myself, thanks.この衣装、ときどき脚に絡まってしまって…え、後ろ……?やだ、[召喚師]さん…!

친구 방문

I brought you a gift from your friend [Friend].
You are [Summoner], yes?

레벨 업

I must keep going. No matter the hardships I face, this is the path I have chosen!私は信じます。どんな苦難があろうと、この道を進むと自分の意思で決めたのだから!
I'll protect all of you... That's a promise!私は絶対に、みんなを守ってみせます!
Wh-why? How discouraging...あれっ…?すこし気が抜けちゃって…


If this world can put my power to use, so be it.この世界のために、私の力が必要というのなら。

5성 40레벨 달성

I consider myself blessed, but that wasn't always the case.
There was something Xander said at his coronation that stuck with me ever since...
The lives Nohr took will be a burden he bears forever. The blood spilled, the tears shed, hearts shattered...
I felt like I was sentenced to a cruel, accursed fate. Losing Ryoma, Takumi, Azura...the sorrow was crushing.
But...thanks to the bonds I share with my friends and my families, we were able to achieve peace.
Now, that is why I fight. To protect those bonds, even between others. And it is why I will fight at your side.





오의 발동

This is the path I chose!選んだ道を!
There's no turning back!後戻りはしません!
We'll forge our destinies!未来を創ります!
The song doesn't end!歌の続きを!


The future...…私は…未来を…


A...Legendary Hero? If you're looking for a great warrior, I'd suggest one of my siblings instead...伝承の英雄、ですか…? それなら、わたしのきょうだいたちが…
I pledge to be someone who believes in people, and works for their betterment.人を信じて、人を幸せにする…そんな人になりたいです
I want us to become better friends. Tell me about yourself!もっと、あなたと仲良くなりたいです。あなたに触れてもいいですか?
Everyone here is such good friends. How did they get to know one another?もしよろしければ、私に触れてください…
Finally... I can be with my brothers and sisters once again.きょうだいのみんなと…また一緒にいられるんですね
This path is the one I chose for myself. I have no regrets.私が選んだ道に…選んだ未来に…後悔はありません…
No one can say what the future holds. But if the two of us are together, nothing can stop us!未来は、誰にもわかりません。でも、あなたとなら、きっと…

아군 턴 터치

Which way to go...どの道にしますか?
Keep moving forward.進みましょう

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