백야의 닌자견습? 카무이/대사


I'm Corrin. This is the outfit worn by Hoshido's covert ninja. Oh, but don't worry—I'm just here for the festival!僕はカムイ。これは白夜王国の隠密……忍者の装束だよ。一緒にお祭りを楽しもう。

"I am Corrin, silent as a whisper and subtle as the shadows themselves."
...Well? How did that one sound?
In Hoshido, ninja also serve as spies. Whenever I hear "ninja," I always think of Kaze, Saizo, and Kagero.忍者、白夜王国では隠密とも言うね。スズカゼ、サイゾウ、カゲロウ……みんなのことを思い出すよ。
Oops, you spotted me! I was trying my best to stay hidden, but it looks like I've still got a lot to learn.あ……失敗だ。気配を消していたつもりなのに声を掛けられちゃったよ。
I sent some traditional outfits to my siblings in Nohr as a sort of cultural exchange. Elise sounded so excited!白夜の文化を知ってもらういい機会だから、暗夜のきょうだいに祭りの衣装を送ったんだ。エリーゼが一番喜んでくれたみたいだね。
How does Saizo appear out of thin air like that? I should ask him to teach me the trick behind it...サイゾウみたいに参上!とはいかないなあ。あれは、どうやってるんだろう。

친구 방문

This is from [Friend]. I hope the two of you continue to get along.[フレンド]からだよ。これからも仲良くね。

레벨 업

This is going pretty well, huh? Maybe I should try becoming a real ninja!うまくいきすぎじゃない?本格的に忍者の修行をしてみようかな。
Mission accomplished. On to the next target...任務完了。次の標的を確認……
Seems I got a little carried away...はしゃぎすぎちゃった。


As you command!承知!

5성 40레벨 달성

I once heard that samurai serve at their lord's side, while ninja serve from the shadows.
But that is hardly unique to Hoshido. Leveraging the talents of each warrior is the key to success in Nohr as well.
I wonder... Is this festival a way for us to see how the other side lives? If so, our ancestors were indeed wise.
I still have much to learn about my birthplace, but I'm going to study as hard as I can every day.
I look forward to your counsel and friendship both during this festival, and after, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Did I catch you off guard?覚悟はいいかい?
You're wide open!油断したね
This is divine punishment!天罰だよ!
I will see this mission through!任務を果たす!


Mission failed...任務…失敗だね…


This is the garb of Hoshidan ninja. Does it suit me well?これは白夜王国の忍の装束なんだ。似合うかな?
Whoa! To think I let you sneak up on me... What a rookie mistake.うわぁっ!? 背後を取られるなんて、忍者失格だね。
I was born in Hoshido but raised in Nohr, so I'm glad for the chance to learn more about my birthplace's culture.僕は白夜で生まれたから、母国の文化を知ることができて嬉しいな。
Elise sure gets a kick out of this whole ninja thing, huh? They're a rarity in Nohr, so I guess it makes sense.エリーゼが大はしゃぎして。白夜の文化が珍しいみたいなんだ。
Every time I try to practice blending into a crowd, one of my siblings shouts a greeting at me...気配を消そうとしてるんだけど、きょうだいみんなに話しかけられちゃったよ。
I hope to someday match Kaze's shuriken skill... He makes it look so cool!スズカゼみたいに手裏剣を投げられたら、かっこいいんだけどなあ…
"I would die before failing you, master!" Heh. Do I sound like a real ninja yet?君に与えられた任務なら命に代えても! …ふふっ、こんな感じかな?

아군 턴 터치

Your orders?指示は?
I'll take care of it.任せて

캐릭터 페이지로