폭풍왕녀 다그/대사
Heyyy! Dagr has arrived! Time to get this wind festival started! | やっほー! ダグちゃんだよ!風のお祭りとか楽しそー!めいっぱい盛り上げていくよ! |
Countries that are open with others are great. That's how my country's gonna be too! | やっぱ、風通しのいい国っていいよね〜。ダグちゃんもそんな国を作っていきたいな! |
The Order always seems to have some festival going on... I'm jealous! I'll have to start some in Jötunheimr! | 特務機関はいっつもお祭り行っててうらやましいなー。ヨトゥンでもなにかお祭りやろっかな! |
The air this thing can move is mighty impressive! Watch it, or it could send you flying, [Summoner]! | ダグちゃんの剣、風圧すっごいよ![召喚師]とか飛んでっちゃうかも! |
You know where I can find a good spot to fly a kite? The more open space, the better. | この凧を飛ばしたいんだけどさいい場所ないかなー?広ければ広いほどうれしーんだけど! |
This outfit is awesome, right?! I love it! I can't wait for Reginn to see it too. | この装束ヤバくない!?チョーお気に入りなんだけど!レギンにも見せてこよーっと。 |
친구 방문
Hey! It's me, Dagr! How's it goin'? I'm here with this gift for you, from [Friend]... *wink* | ダグちゃんだよー☆ 元気してた?[フレンド]からイケてる贈答品、預かってきたし! |
레벨 업
Whew! This is a breeze! I've just gotta keep up this pace. | フゥー! いい感じにアガってきたね!この調子でどんどん攻めてくよ! |
That's a nice breeze... Seems like a good sign. It's my time! | いい風吹いてるぅ!もしかして、あたしの時代が来てる!? |
Hm... I can't seem to catch the wind right now. | うーん、なんかノれてないなー。 |
For me? Thank you! I won't blow this opportunity! | コレくれるの? ありがとー!ダグちゃん、調子ノっちゃうよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I hate being tied down by duty and that kind of thing. I need to be free to do whatever I want—like the wind, I guess! That's how I've always been. But you can't just stick to what's comfortable forever, right? Life has more to offer than that! Nótt would always say things like... "Stand strong against headwinds!" "Remember to be true to yourself!" Life may have its obstacles, but nothing can take the freedom that lives in my heart. I'll always have that. | あたしってばなにかに縛られるのがチョー苦手でさー。 風みたいに自由気ままにすんのが一番好きっていうかあってる気がするんだよね。 でも、そーも言ってらんないじゃん?生きてるとさあ。 「自分のやり方を貫くためには向かい風に立ち向かう覚悟も必要ですわよ!」 なーんて、姉ちゃんなら言いそうだよね。ははっ。 いろいろしがらみはあるけど、心だけは風みたいに自由に…ってね。そんぐらいいいよね? |
- | たあっ |
- | じゃーま |
- | うわっ! |
- | こんにゃろ…! |
오의 발동
This'll blow you away! | 吹っ飛ばしちゃう! |
Storm's rollin' in... | 強風注意ってね! |
Hold onto something! | 踏んばりな! |
Ssshhhooom! | びゅんびゅーん☆ |
Not bad... | いったぁ…やるじゃん… |
Loook! | へっへー |
Finally, some fun! I've been waiting for something like this... | ダグちゃん、こういうのだーいすき☆ 盛り上げちゃうよー! |
Oh, uh...musta been the wind... Hah! Nice try! | うひゃっ!? ああ、風のいたずら…なわけないじゃん! 殺す! |
There sure are a lot of different tribes out there... I guess the jötnar are kind of like a tribe too, huh? | 異界にはいろんな種族がいるんだね~。って、あたしらもか。 |
I may not know any wind magic, but the air this thing moves more than makes up for that! | 風の魔法は使えないけど、剣の風圧なら負けないよ~! |
Jötnar make great friends, right? Stand behind me, and the wind won't touch a hair on your head! Haha! | でっかいって便利でしょ? ほら、風よけにもなるしさ。 |
I love the sound of the wind... It reminds me of someone who isn't here anymore. | 風は好きだよ。ほら、会えない人の声が聞こえたりしないかなって… |
Don't you worry! Stick with Dagr and everything'll be fiiine! | このダグちゃんが守ってやっからさ。どーんと任せてちょ☆ |
아군 턴 터치
Let's go! | はいよっと! |
Rrreally? | んええ? |
Like the wind! | 風より早く! |