거인자매의 신년 다그/대사


Yes! Dagr's here, so the New Year's celebrations can finally begin! *wink* ...Ow, Sis, knock it o—oh, right!
This is my sister. Her name's Nótt. She's here too.

Nótt : Seeing so many beautiful Heroes all in one place is a perfect way to begin the new year.ノート : ふふっ…新年早々、特務機関の見目麗しい英雄の方々を拝見できて心が躍っておりますの。
Nótt : In Jötunheimr, our New Year's tradition is to hold a tournament in the queen's honor.
I win every year.
ノート : ヨトゥン王国では、年明けに女王の御前で闘技大会が開かれますの。私、一度も負けたことはありませんのよ。
Dagr : There's so much delicious food at Askr's New Year's festival, I'm glad I can loosen the waist on this thing!ダグ : アスク王国の正月って美味しいものばっかりじゃん!?幸せ太りしちゃうわー。
Dagr : So, Sis, when should I expect my New Year's gift? Don't tell me you suddenly forgot you're the eldest...
It's the tradition around here to give your younger siblings gifts, you know!
ダグ : 姉ちゃんはあたしにお年玉はくれないの?双子だから年上も年下も関係ない?ずりーよ! くれよ、お年玉ー!
Nótt : I've grown rather fond of this kimono. The styling was done so well, it even makes Dagr look civilized for once.ノート : 着物なる装束、気に入りましたわ。とても優雅で繊細。ガサツなダグちゃんもこれならば上品に見えますわね。

친구 방문

We're here with greetings and a New Year's gift from your friend [Friend].新年のあいさつ回りってやつ?これ[フレンド]から預かってきたお年玉ね。今年もよろ~。

레벨 업

Dagr : Wow! At this rate, odds are I'll be three times as tall by the end of the year!ダグ : かーっ! 新年早々、すげー成長した!今年は身長が3倍くらいになるんじゃね?
Nótt : Winning a battle is the proper way to begin any year. I will dispose of any who stand in our path.ノート : 年明けから勝ち戦でいい気分ですこと。この調子で、邪魔者はすべて踏みつぶして差し上げますわ。
Nótt : Something seems to be throwing me off my rhythm... Could it be these unfamiliar clothes perhaps?ノート : 着慣れぬ装束のせいでしょうか…お見苦しいところを見せてしまいました。


Nótt : What's this? A New Year's gift from the summoner! You have chosen the recipient well. Just wait and see.ノート : これは召喚師様からのお年玉ですわね!今年もあなたのご期待に沿えるのはやっぱりわ・た・く・し。

5성 40레벨 달성

Nótt : Just how long are you planning on enjoying the festivities, Dagr? We're missing valuable training time.
Dagr : What? There's still food I want to try and other fun stuff to do!
Nótt : Askr's foes do not rest just because there's a festival here. We are only falling behind.
Dagr : ...I'm sure you'll overcompensate and train extra hard to make up for me enjoying myself a little.
Nótt : ...The time I would have to spend training just to pick up your existing slack is already an eternity, Dagr!
Dagr : *sigh* So we're doing this whole thing again this year too, huh? Just remember you asked for it...
ノート : ダグちゃん、いつまで正月気分ですの?そろそろ訓練に戻りますわよ!
ダグ : え~。もうちょっとのんびりさせてよー。まだまだ食いたい料理もあるしお正月ならではの遊びもあるんだよ~。
ノート : アスク王国を狙う敵は待ってくれません。ダグちゃんが一日休むだけで脅威は増していきますのよ?
ダグ : あたしが休んだ分姉ちゃんが頑張れば問題ないんじゃね?
ノート : …なにか言ったかしら?ともかく! 休んだ分は厳しい訓練で取り戻しますわよ!
ダグ : へぇい…。はあぁ、姉ちゃんといると新年からハードだわぁ。ほどほどに頼むよ、まったく…。


New year!しんねーん!


My kimono...着物が…

오의 발동

Duo : Happy New Year!二人 : 謹賀新年!
Duo : Sis! Right here, Dagr.二人 : 姉ちゃん!わかってますわ
Dagr : Keep it comin'!ダグ : 今年もよろしくぅ!
Nótt : To proper beginnings!ノート : よい年にしましょう


Seems like...a bad sign...うう…縁起悪すぎ…


Wow, you look amazing in that kimono! I know you only say that because we're twins...「うわー美人!着物似合うぅ!」「同じ顔でしょ」

아군 턴 터치

And where now?さて、どちらへ?
Let's say hello!挨拶回りだーい!
Quite the invitation.ご挨拶に参ります

공격시 후위 서포트

Failure is not an option.負けたら許さなくてよ
Now is the time!いっけー! ですわ!

비익/쌍계 스킬

Got somethin' for ya! Enjoy!「これが」「お年玉ですわ!」
Off to a... Nice start!「明けまして!」「おめでとさん!」

비익/쌍계 대화

Dagr : Ahh! Tasty food, Heroes partying all over the place... Askr really knows how to celebrate a new year!ダグ : っはー! 美味いもん食って遊んで、アスクの正月ってさいこー!
Back home we'd just have to spar in front of Mom. Normally New Year is awful—for me, at least! But not here!うちらの国のとか年明け早々、ママの御前で闘技大会だよ?年末は特訓三昧だし。
Nótt : It's not so bad, is it? It's a time- honored Jötunheimr tradition!ノート : あら、私は不満はなくってよ。それが我がヨトゥン王国の伝統ですもの。
Dagr : Well, maybe it's different if you've never lost. Ever think of that? Plus, you always got a gift too! ...Ugh!ダグ : そりゃ姉ちゃんは気分いいでしょうよ。毎年負け知らずだし? お年玉ももらえるし。
Nótt : To the victor go the spoils... Is it really a gift if you've earned it?ノート : 勝者の証の鎧と武器のこと?あれをお年玉というのかしら…。
Dagr : Whatever. I just hate starting the year off as the loser. Every new year feels like a new low.ダグ : こっちは新年早々負け犬ですよ。気分最悪でスタートだわ。
Nótt : Sorry I have no comforting words to offer you... Use those feelings as motivation for next year, perhaps?ノート : 甘えたこと言わないの。その悔しさをバネに一年がんばればよろしいんですのよ。
Dagr : Hmph! ...You're more and more like Mom every year. You know that?ダグ : へぇい。…姉ちゃんって、年々ママに似てきてるよな。
Nótt : Oh? Is that so? Well, I'm glad to hear it, Dagr! I will be the next queen, after all, so it is only fitting.ノート : あらそう? 光栄ですわ。お母様のような女王になるのが私の夢ですもの。
Dagr : Sure, sure. But here's the thing: When I'M queen, I won't be caught up in all those crusty old traditions...ダグ : うーん。あたしはママみたいよりも、もっとこう、自由でもいいっていうか…
Don't get me wrong; being strong is great, but what about the people who don't want to fight all the time, huh?強いのはいいことだけど、弱くて戦うのが嫌いな奴でも楽しく生きていける国がいい。
Nótt : What about them? Appealing to the weak will never win you the approval of the court nobles.ノート : そんなことをバカ正直に言うから、王宮の者たちは軟弱だとダグちゃんを支持しませんのよ?
Dagr : Hah! Like I need them! Besides, I've got enough going on without worrying about what they think!ダグ : あんな奴ら、相手にしてらんねーよ。今年のあたしはめちゃくちゃ忙しいの!
I was already spending all my time training just to get stronger, but now I have to protect Askr too!もっともっと強くなんなきゃいけないし、アスク王国も守らなきゃいけないし。
Nótt : Hm... That is true... Perhaps we ought to set the politics aside for the time being, then? For the summoner?ノート : …そうですわね。私たちのことは、今は置いておきましょうか。
If Askr truly needs our help, we ought to be combining our strengths rather than using them against one another.ふたりで力を合わせて召喚師様のお力にならなければ。がんばりましょうね、ダグちゃん。
Dagr : It's about time you figured that out! Let's get this party started already!ダグ : おう! 任せとけ!

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