양광의 빛 다그/대사


Hey, I'm Dagr, second of the twin princesses of Jötunheimr. Hope you're ready for a good time!
Thanks for the invite, by the way!

Me? Giant? Mom is WAY bigger than me—like several TIMES bigger! Hope I grow that big too...and soon!でかい? あたしが?ママはあたしの倍くらいあるよ。あたしも早く大きくなりた~い!
I have a fool sister and a terrifying mom back in Jötunheimr.
Huh? A dad? Uhh... I might have one. I forget, honestly. Not that important!
ヨトゥンにはねー、すごい怖いママとすごいバカな姉ちゃんがいるんだ。パパ? …あ、忘れてた。多分いる。
I snuck into the kitchen and snagged a huge pile of sweets... Hey, don't go telling Alfster on me, all right?!はいコレ。厨房にカチ込んでお菓子山ほどゲットしてきたんだー。王子ちゃんには内緒だよ?
Hey! Take me somewhere fun, why don't you! I'm sooooo bored! ...Hey! Are you even listening to me?!なあなあ、どっか遊びに連れてってよー。ヒマなんだよー。ねえねえねえってばー!!!
I've been chatting up lots of folks around here. Everyone's from some weird place I've never heard of!いろんな奴に話しかけて話聞いてんの。みんなすっごいとこから来てんね!めちゃくちゃ面白いわー。

친구 방문

Can't believe I'm being treated like just another foot soldier even in [Friend]'s crew...
Huh? Oh, right. Here.

레벨 업

That's right! Expect nothing less from me! No one's a match for THIS jötun!やっぱり? ヨトゥンじゃ敵なしで鳴らしたあたしだからさ~!
This seems just about right, wouldn't you say? Don't go having unrealistic expectations! I'm just one jötun!こんなもんじゃね?贅沢いうなよー。
What?! I've been cheated!なんだよーケチ!


Hah! Get ready for the new and improved Dagr! Oh, and thanks. You're sweet! *wink*ダグちゃん、パワーアーップ!へへっ、サンキュー☆

5성 40레벨 달성

*yawn* Ah... Sorry—I haven't slept all that much lately. I've just been enjoying my time here, y'know?
There are just so many interesting people to talk to here, so I end up staying up half the night!
Like some change into dragons or are secretly other people... It's wild!
The world—er, worlds, I guess—have a lot more going on than I expected!
Just listening to everyone, I feel like I've learned a ton. I might even be smarter than I already was! *wink*
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm having fun here, and I'm real glad you summoned me! That's all!
I'm looking forward to being here for a while still. Hope I can hear more of your story too while I'm at it!
Give me a shout sometime, will ya? Don't be a stranger!
[召喚師]とももっとたくさん遊びたいな~今度誘ってよ! じゃね~!


Outta my wayどけっての


Now you've done it...!やったなー…!

오의 발동

Smash and bash!プチっと潰しちゃお♪
All right. Next!はいはい、次次~!
Way too easy.ごめーん、楽勝だわ
Expect the best!さっすがあたし☆


What? No way!うっそ…マジで…?


I'm Dagr, the younger of the princesses of Jötunheimr. Nice meeting you!あたしはダグ! ヨトゥン王国の第二王女だよん。よろしく☆
Waah! What are you doing? I can't take you runts.ぎゃあっ!? 何すんだよ、もうっ! ばかっ、猿っ、嫌いっ!
I'm going to be a GREAT queen. My reign is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!あたし、超強い女王になって、そんでずっと遊んで暮らせる国を作るんだ~。
I wonder if I could get taller! Double this would just about do it.もっと身長のびないかな~。せめてあと倍は欲しいよねっ。
Sure, Nótt's beautiful. And she looks put together. But don't let that fool you!いい? ノートの上っ面に騙されないでよ。あいつ相当アレだからね?!
Nótt is my sister, and she is what she is, so... I have to clean up her messes.あんなのでも姉ちゃんだからさ。あたしが面倒見なきゃなー…
Hey there, don't forget about me now! I'll get lonely, you know?ねえねえ、構ってよ~。ダグちゃん寂しがってるよ?

아군 턴 터치

Right, boss!りょーかい!
If you say so.いいけどさぁ…
Got 'em.逃がさないよん

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