양광의 빛 다그/대사
Hey, I'm Dagr, second of the twin princesses of Jötunheimr. Hope you're ready for a good time! Thanks for the invite, by the way! | ヨトゥン王国第二王女ダグちゃんでっす☆遊びに来ちゃったよん。よろしくねー! |
Me? Giant? Mom is WAY bigger than me—like several TIMES bigger! Hope I grow that big too...and soon! | でかい? あたしが?ママはあたしの倍くらいあるよ。あたしも早く大きくなりた~い! |
I have a fool sister and a terrifying mom back in Jötunheimr. Huh? A dad? Uhh... I might have one. I forget, honestly. Not that important! | ヨトゥンにはねー、すごい怖いママとすごいバカな姉ちゃんがいるんだ。パパ? …あ、忘れてた。多分いる。 |
I snuck into the kitchen and snagged a huge pile of sweets... Hey, don't go telling Alfster on me, all right?! | はいコレ。厨房にカチ込んでお菓子山ほどゲットしてきたんだー。王子ちゃんには内緒だよ? |
Hey! Take me somewhere fun, why don't you! I'm sooooo bored! ...Hey! Are you even listening to me?! | なあなあ、どっか遊びに連れてってよー。ヒマなんだよー。ねえねえねえってばー!!! |
I've been chatting up lots of folks around here. Everyone's from some weird place I've never heard of! | いろんな奴に話しかけて話聞いてんの。みんなすっごいとこから来てんね!めちゃくちゃ面白いわー。 |
친구 방문
Can't believe I'm being treated like just another foot soldier even in [Friend]'s crew... Huh? Oh, right. Here. | あたしをパシリに使うとか[フレンド]もいい度胸だよね~。あ、ちわっス。 |
레벨 업
That's right! Expect nothing less from me! No one's a match for THIS jötun! | やっぱり? ヨトゥンじゃ敵なしで鳴らしたあたしだからさ~! |
This seems just about right, wouldn't you say? Don't go having unrealistic expectations! I'm just one jötun! | こんなもんじゃね?贅沢いうなよー。 |
What?! I've been cheated! | なんだよーケチ! |
Hah! Get ready for the new and improved Dagr! Oh, and thanks. You're sweet! *wink* | ダグちゃん、パワーアーップ!へへっ、サンキュー☆ |
5성 40레벨 달성
*yawn* Ah... Sorry—I haven't slept all that much lately. I've just been enjoying my time here, y'know? There are just so many interesting people to talk to here, so I end up staying up half the night! Like some change into dragons or are secretly other people... It's wild! The world—er, worlds, I guess—have a lot more going on than I expected! Just listening to everyone, I feel like I've learned a ton. I might even be smarter than I already was! *wink* I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm having fun here, and I'm real glad you summoned me! That's all! I'm looking forward to being here for a while still. Hope I can hear more of your story too while I'm at it! Give me a shout sometime, will ya? Don't be a stranger! | ふぁ~あ…いや、最近寝不足でさあ。夜中まで遊んでっから。この城、面白い奴多いじゃん? 話聞いてるだけでも楽しーけど竜になったり別人になったりすげーのよ。世界ってマジで広いんだなー… 何ていうか視野?見識が広がるっていうの?ダグちゃんまた賢くなっちゃったわ。 まあそういうのは割とどうでもよくて単にめっちゃ楽しいから、召喚されてよかったなって思ってるよん! [召喚師]とももっとたくさん遊びたいな~今度誘ってよ! じゃね~! |
せやっ | |
Outta my way | どけっての |
ぎゃっ! | |
Now you've done it...! | やったなー…! |
오의 발동
Smash and bash! | プチっと潰しちゃお♪ |
All right. Next! | はいはい、次次~! |
Way too easy. | ごめーん、楽勝だわ |
Expect the best! | さっすがあたし☆ |
What? No way! | うっそ…マジで…? |
Ahaha | あははっ |
I'm Dagr, the younger of the princesses of Jötunheimr. Nice meeting you! | あたしはダグ! ヨトゥン王国の第二王女だよん。よろしく☆ |
Waah! What are you doing? I can't take you runts. | ぎゃあっ!? 何すんだよ、もうっ! ばかっ、猿っ、嫌いっ! |
I'm going to be a GREAT queen. My reign is going to be a lot of fun for everyone! | あたし、超強い女王になって、そんでずっと遊んで暮らせる国を作るんだ~。 |
I wonder if I could get taller! Double this would just about do it. | もっと身長のびないかな~。せめてあと倍は欲しいよねっ。 |
Sure, Nótt's beautiful. And she looks put together. But don't let that fool you! | いい? ノートの上っ面に騙されないでよ。あいつ相当アレだからね?! |
Nótt is my sister, and she is what she is, so... I have to clean up her messes. | あんなのでも姉ちゃんだからさ。あたしが面倒見なきゃなー… |
Hey there, don't forget about me now! I'll get lonely, you know? | ねえねえ、構ってよ~。ダグちゃん寂しがってるよ? |
아군 턴 터치
Right, boss! | りょーかい! |
If you say so. | いいけどさぁ… |
Got 'em. | 逃がさないよん |