빛나는 양화 다그/대사


I'm Dagr, princess of Jötunheimr! And this here's Veðrfölnir. Now, where's some stuff we can break?!ヨトゥン王国の王女、ダグ!ヴェズルフェルニルと一緒に大暴れしにきたよ~!

She's sleeping, isn't she? Veðrfölnir, you're getting a little heavy! Pshaw, ancestors... Whatcha gonna do?始祖様寝てるよね…ヴェズルフェルニル、あんた重くなった?
I got too much going on lately. I feel like my head's gonna pop! OK if I take a little break?最近はやることあり過ぎて頭がパンクしそうだよ~!ちょっとはのんびりしてもいいよね?
I got this medicine from Niðavellir that makes you feel all sorts of energized! Want some?ニザヴェリルで発明された疲れが取れる薬もらったんだ。[召喚師]にもあげる!
Ahh... Sure is nice outside. Know any good napping spots?天気がいいからお昼寝しよっかな~。[召喚師]、いい場所しらない?
It's boring having no one to fight with. It's not that I'm lonely without her, I just...喧嘩する相手がいないと張り合いがないっていうか…別に寂しいって訳じゃないよ?

친구 방문

So what are we playin'? Bet you're glad it's me instead of [Friend], huh?[フレンド]の代わりに遊びに来ちゃった~!さあさあ、何して遊ぶ?

레벨 업

I'm just gettin' started! Can you keep up?まだまだこんなもんじゃないよ☆ついてこれるかな~?
Aha... So far, so good!よっしゃ、いい感じ!
Uh... Things seem to be heatin' up around here. Time for me to get serious?あちゃー…本気出さないとマズい?


Sweet! I look forward to testing this out!実戦で試すのが楽しみ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Aw... You're here to check up on me, [Summoner]?
I'm all good, full of energy as always. I'm the same ol' Dagr, after all.
Oh, you mean— Yeah... When my sis died, I wasn't myself, but...I can't focus on that now.
Besides, she'd laugh at me if she ever saw me tear up. So, you won't see me wallowing.
If ever you need somethin', leave it to me. I'll get it done lickety-split!





오의 발동

Here to entertain me?楽しませてくれるのぉ?
You're not so tough!あたしの敵じゃないね☆
For Jötunheimr!ヨトゥンはあたしが守る!
This one's for Nótt!姉ちゃんの分まで…!


I can still fight...くそっ…まだやれる……!


So! Whaddaya think of the new and improved Dagr? Pretty great, yeah?ほらほら、新しいダグちゃんはどう? いけてるっしょー。
Wah?! Ho ho, time to retaliate! *exert*うわあっ!? …っとやられたと見せて仕返し! おりゃっ!
On my shoulder is Veðrfölnir, first of our kind. She grants me her power.この肩のヴェズルフェルニルはあたしたちの始祖様なんだよ。
There's so many different personalities in the Order of Heroes. So cool!特務機関にはいろんな奴がいて、ほんっと楽しいよね!
Being the future queen is tough for a lotta reasons, gotta say...未来の女王はいろいろ大変なんだよー? あれとかこれとか…
Nótt... I really do miss you. Just, y'know, a little!姉ちゃん…やっぱりちょっと寂しいよ…。あくまでちょっとだけど!
With you, I'm invincible!あんたが一緒ならあたしは無敵だよ☆ へへっ、なーんてね!

아군 턴 터치

Aye aye!あいよ!
Whaddaya need?指示はー?
Outta my way!どけどけーい!

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