봄색 천재 마도소녀 듀테/대사


Ta-da! It's Delthea! Aren't I just the cutest rabbit? I'm going to make this spring festival so much fun!じゃーん! デューテだよー!ウサギさんのボクも可愛いでしょ!?春祭り、いっぱい盛り上げちゃうよー!

I've always been adorable, but this outfit makes me even cuter! I can't wait to see what my brother thinks.ただでさえ可愛いボクがさらに可愛くなっちゃった!お兄ちゃん、どんな顔するかな~?
We don't have festivals as fun as this back where I'm from. The outside world really is amazing!ボクが住んでた村にはこんな楽しいお祭りはなかったよ~。やっぱり、外の世界はすごいね!
You wanna know what's in this egg? Hmm, maybe I'll tell you... Just kidding! I don't know either!この卵になにが入っているかって?どっしようかな~、教えてあげよっかな?えへへ。実はボクも知らないんだ~。
Look! Now that I'm a rabbit, nobody can catch me! Why? Because I can hop higher than anybunny. Hehe!ウサギさんになったボクは誰にも止められないよ!誰より高く跳ねちゃうんだから!
Hehe, oh big brother. Did you really think I wouldn't find you? These big bunny ears can hear you anywhere!ふふっ、お兄ちゃん。ボクに見つかってないと思ってるのかな?キョロキョロしてておっかし~!

친구 방문

Bounce bounce! I'm not just hiding cute eggs; I bring spring greetings from [Friend] too!とっても可愛いウサギさんのボクが[フレンド]から春の便りを届けにきちゃった!

레벨 업

Amazing! I'm still a genius, even when I'm a rabbit.すごいでしょ! ウサギさんになってもボクって相変わらず天才なんだよね~。
Hippity-hop! You can't catch me that easily!ぴょん! そう簡単にボクは捕まえられないよー!
Huh? That didn't go as great as I'd expected. Did I trip on an egg?あれっ? 思っていたのと違うなあ。ボク、はしゃぎすぎちゃった?


Now it will always feel like spring!これでずーっと春気分でいられるね!ありがとね[召喚師]!

5성 40레벨 달성

You absolutely made the right choice when you invited me for the spring festival, [Summoner]!
I had so much fun! And I was able to make a lot of people smile while doing it! Even my brother had fun.
I've spent most of my life wishing I could go to a festival as wonderful as this.
All I could do back home was practice magic, with only my brother to talk to. I was so bored!
But there are so many exciting things to see and do outside my village, including these great festivals!
I want to experience so many more things. I can't wait to see what my next adventure will be!
ボク、もっともっといろいろな体験をしてみたいな! 期待してるよ[召喚師]!





오의 발동

The hop never stops!ぴょんぴょーん!
Fear the rabbit!ウサギさんだよ!
Am I cute or what?ボク、可愛いでしょ?
Springtime fun!春をお届け!


No fair...やだあ…まだ遊びたい…


Didn't think I had such a cute side, did you?こういう可愛い衣装は、可愛いボクにこそ相応しいよね!
Hey! Oh, come on... Is that any way to treat a lady?ひゃあっ!? んもー、レディの扱いがなってない!
Spring is my favorite season! Lively and romantic.春ってウキウキしちゃう! 素敵な人に会えちゃったりして~。
Did you see Luthier's costume? He looks amazing!見た見た? お兄ちゃんの格好! ぷぷっ、おかし~!
Why are rabbits always hiding their eggs? And how many eggs are they laying?!何でウサギと卵なの? ウサギって卵から生まれるの?
Rabbits are cute and all, but I've always thought of them as food, not family.ウサギは可愛いけど、食べる方が好きかな…
Come on, the festival isn't over yet. There's still so much to see and do!お祭りはまだまだこれからだよ! さ、一緒に回ろ!

아군 턴 터치

Lovely weather!ぽっかぽかだね!
Where to?どこいこっか?
Hippity hop!ぴょんぴょーん!

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