용린의 수확제 데긴헨더/대사


I am Dheginsea, Goldoa's king and one of the Three Heroes under the protection of the goddess Ashera.
Now, I hear that this harvest festival has some connection to dragons... Is that true?

We were neutral and chose not to commune with others... I believed that was as it should be...我らは中立にして他と交わらぬ者…そうあるべきだと考えていた…
I fought side by side with Altina and Soan under the watchful protection of the goddess Ashera.我は女神アスタルテの加護を受けオルティナ、ソーンとともに戦った…
Ambition can lead to growth, and with wisdom to temper it, one can avoid making enemies along the way.野心は時として人を成長させる。だが心せよ、手段は慎重に選ぶがよい。周囲すべてが敵にならぬようにな。
This is festival garb, hm? I am used to black—but I could grow used to this extravagance as well...ふむ、これが収穫祭の装束か。我らにふさわしいものとは言い難いが、このような華美な装束も時には…
Imagine this festival celebrated by all peoples, hand-in-hand... That is something to aspire to.すべての種族が対等に手を携えて祭りを祝う…この光景こそが、希望かもしれぬ。

친구 방문

I am Goldoa's king, Dheginsea. I have come calling the castle of [Friend].我はゴルドア国王、デギンハンザー。[フレンド]の城より来た。

레벨 업

The Three Heroes are not to be looked down upon.三雄の名を侮ってはならぬ。
Little better than a flailing youth...分別のない赤子同然…
An embarrassment...不覚…


I will rise to meet your expectations. Of that you can be sure.そなたの期待我が力の糧としよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

This harvest festival celebration is fascinating to me. I've been thinking, [Summoner]...
You beorc sow seeds and then harvest the bounty of the land...
It is not unlike how you sow a culture of hope into your comrades, as I see it.
The fruit of war is only more war, a cycle that spells ruin to all that lives—and what has yet to come.
But seeds of hope you sow can be harvested for generations, nourishing the future.
Hope is a legacy worth leaving.





오의 발동

Are you frightened of dragons?驚いたであろう?
I will take my tribute in sweets!菓子をいただこう
Goldoa wills it!これは王命である
Have a blessed harvest!恵みの季節だ




Thank you for the invitation to this harvest festival. I believe I will enjoy it.収穫祭への招待、有難く受け取った。今日は楽しませてもらおう。
If it's candy you are after, I have amassed something of a stockpile.なんだ、菓子の催促か? そう焦らずとも用意してある。
To think that I would be taking my ease in a place like this... Fate is a curious thing.私がこのような祭りに参じるとは…運命とは奇妙なことをしてくれる。
I have never worn a...costume before. I suppose there is a first time for everything.仮装などしたことがなくてな。だが、悪くない気分だ。
Beorc and laguz seem equally happy in this world. I am beginning to see its merits, myself.ラグズもベオクも、みな隔てなく笑顔でいる。ここはよい国なのであろうな。
My children have long since grown, but to see young ones here fussing over sweets...I am reminded of those times.菓子で喜ぶ歳でもないが、なぜか息子や娘の顔が浮かぶのだ。
It is rare for me to have such a wonderful time. You have my sincerest gratitude.そなたのおかげで楽しい時を過ごせている。礼を言うぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Guide me.そちらか
I'll consider it...迷うな…
Let the harvest begin.収穫しようぞ

캐릭터 페이지로