광란의 왕자 디미트리/대사


I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. No matter the world, even if I must do it alone, I will keep killing...俺はディミトリ…、すべてを奪われし者……ここがどこであろうと関係ない…一人でも多く殺すだけだ……

Seeing those who stole everything from me living...free of care or guilt. I cannot forgive them!自分からすべてを奪った者たちが…罪悪感も抱かず、のうのうと生きるのを俺は…許しはしない……!
The dead cannot wish for revenge, much less seek it. That burden falls on those left behind.死者には復讐を望むこともできない…生き残った者が…彼らの無念と憎悪を晴らさなければ……
If you do not approve of what I have become, then kill me. If you insist that you cannot, then I will continue...俺が気に食わなければ斬るがいい…斬らないというのなら…お前も仲間も…骨の髄まで利用してやる……!
By my hand, Edelgard's head will be removed from her shoulders...あの女…エーデルガルトの首を…必ずこの手で斬り落とす……
Those before me were just beasts with human faces. I had no choice but to kill them, and so I did.
That...that is all there is to it.

친구 방문

So which are you? The kind who kills or the kind who gets killed? I ask for [Friend]'s sake...[フレンド]の盟友か…お前はどちらだ…?殺す側か、殺される側か……

레벨 업

Kill every last one of them!殺し尽くしてやる……!
I will tear your heads from your shoulders...貴様らの首を残らずねじ切ってやろう……
I will not die... Not until I have her head!死ねない…あの女を殺すまでは……!


I will crush anyone who blocks my path.道を阻む者はひき潰すだけだ……

5성 40레벨 달성

...How many lives have you taken in the name of peace?
To protect Askr, you add to another growing mountain of corpses...
To dispel the regrets of the dead, these hands have grown stained with blood. They've taken many lives...
Piling up corpses for justice...for the dead... In the end, it's all murder.
We're the same, you and I. Monsters who were born to kill... No surprise then that we work well together.





오의 발동

Out of my way!邪魔だ
I'll destroy you!潰す
Don't struggle.足掻くな


Not before I...あの女を…殺すまでは…


I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Everything has been taken from me...俺はディミトリ…すべてを奪われし者…
You would touch me? I do not seek the embrace of a friend...…気安く触るな。慣れあうつもりはない……
Only hatred remains. If I could tear that woman to shreds right this very moment, I would.今はただ憎い…あの女を引き裂いてやりたい……
Friends? A beast of your depravity, prattling on about friends? How amusing.仲間? 畜生の分際で何をほざく。滑稽もいいところだな…
If you do not approve of what I have become, then kill me.俺が気に食わないのなら斬ればいい。
As soon as possible...I must kill her.一刻も早く…早く殺さなければ……
After all is said and done, we are both murderers. Both stained. Both monsters.お前も所詮人殺しだ。化け物同士仲良くしようじゃないか。なあ?

아군 턴 터치

I'll handle this.俺も出る
Do what you please.好きにしろ
They're mine.俺の獲物だ

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