냉정한 전사 돌카스/대사


The name's Dorcas. I used to fight as a mercenary in Bern, but... Well, that's all in the past now.おれの名前はドルカス。ベルンで傭兵をしていた。だがそれも…過去のことだ。

Feels like it's been an age since my mercenary days in Bern. I hope Natalie is faring well without me...ベルンで傭兵をしていた頃が懐かしいな…ナタリー…身体の具合はどうだろうか…
Back when I was a mercenary, I met a girl named Lyn. She put things into perspective for me.
And now, here I am...
You're looking a bit pale. A good warrior knows when to take a break. Go sit down for a spell.顔色が少し悪いようだな。戦士は時に休息も必要だ。休むといい…
You want to hear about my wife? Well, I can't say I have many interesting tales, but... All right.妻の話を聞かせろ、だと?お、面白い話などなにも無い…
Between training sessions, I like to look at this picture Natalie drew for me. It's a self-portrait.訓練以外の時は…ナタリーが描いてくれたこの絵を見ている…

친구 방문

You're [Summoner]? I'm counting on you to look after [Friend].あんたが[召喚師]か。これからも[フレンド]のこと、頼んだぞ。

레벨 업

I can't help but worry whenever I start feeling this good.調子が良すぎるな。逆に不安になってくる…
Seems fine.まあまあ…といったところか…
I need to do better. For Natalie.ナタリー…すまん…


Still can't believe this is all really happening.なるほど…おれ自身、信じられん…

5성 40레벨 달성

I became a mercenary to earn money for my wife's medicine. The job took me off the straight and narrow.
But then I met Lyn and the others... They set me straight. Helped me see things clearly again.
I want to do right by them for all they've done for Natalie and me.
I know you're all fighting for a good cause, just like Lyn... And I don't plan on making the same mistake twice.
I hope you'll let me continue fighting by your side for as long as I can.





오의 발동

For Natalie!ナタリーのためだ
You're not killing me.おれは死なん…
I'm making it home alive.生きて帰る…
I'll do whatever it takes!這ってでも生きる…


Natalie...I'm sorry...すまん、ナタリー…


I'm no Hero. It takes all I have just to survive.…おれは英雄じゃない。ただ生きるのに必死なだけだ。
How's my health? Well, I had some bad mutton earlier, but I feel fine otherwise...体の調子? …まあまあだ。
I was a mercenary once. But it was only for the money.おれには金がいる…金のために山賊になったこともある。
My wife's sick... She can't walk. But the medicine she needs is so expensive.妻は…難しい足の病だ。治すには大金がいる…
I keep one of Natalie's pictures on me.これはナタリーの…妻の描いた絵だ。
I will make it home at all costs. She's waiting for me...おれは必ず生きて戻る。あいつがおれを待っててくれる…
If my skills are useful to you, use them as you see fit.おれが役に立つんなら…使ってくれ。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.ああ
What's next?…どうするんだ?
Give me an order.指示をくれ

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