태양의 가희 도로테아/대사
Dorothea Arnault, at your service. I'm a member of the Black Eagles at Garreg Mach Monastery. | ドロテア=アールノルトよ。今はガルグ=マク大修道院の黒鷲の学級で学んでいるの。よろしくね。 |
Outer beauty comes with advantages. But inner beauty is more important, don't you think? | 女の子として外見はもちろんだけど中身を磨くことも大事よね。 |
Before the academy I was a member of the Mittelfrank Opera troupe. Yes, for a time, I was a songstress. | 士官学校に入る前はミッテルフランク歌劇団にいたんです。一応、歌姫なんて呼ばれていたんですよ。 |
See Ingrid there, splashing around in her swimsuit? She looks so carefree. I'm not sure I can resist... | ふふっ…グリットちゃんは水着姿も可愛いわねえ。思わず襲いたくなっちゃうかも? |
If only Professor Manuela were here. I'm sure she'd love the opportunity to flaunt some summer fashions. | どうせならマヌエラ先輩ともご一緒したかったわね…きっと水着姿も素敵だと思うの。 |
What is summer for, if not being a little adventurous? | この水着はどうかしら?せっかくの夏だもの開放的に過ごしたいわよね。 |
친구 방문
Warm summer greetings from your friend [Friend]. Hm... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. I can sing, if you like? | [フレンド]さんから夏の便りを届けにきたわ。ご所望でしたら、一曲歌うわよ? |
레벨 업
I'm always striving for greater things. | 強くなるのも大事よねえ。 |
I'm just warming up. | もっと上を目指したいわねえ。 |
I need to rest my voice... | 今日は喉の調子が悪いみたい。 |
For me? How thoughtful. | いいの?とっても嬉しいです。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Blue waters, cool breezes. What a wonderful summer vacation this has been...gawkers notwithstanding. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have no problem with the way people look at me. Quite the opposite, in fact. In Fódlan, I have no title, no wealth. No Crest. Everything I got, I got by using the tools at my disposal. My voice, my wit, and yes, my beauty. These are all crucial weapons in my battle for survival. So, people ogling me in my swimsuit, their hearts going pitter-patter? That's exactly how I want them. | 青い海に心地よい風…本当に素敵な夏休みを過ごせたわ。また自分磨きがはかどっちゃった。 私はね、自分のすべてを武器にしたいの。この声も、この顔も、この身体も… 私には家柄も財産も受け継がれてきた紋章の力もないから。だから…この身体だけが武器なんです。 [召喚師]には水着姿の私はどう見えるかしら?あなたの心を動かせた? ふふっ、それならよかった…今の私はあなたに有効みたい。そのことを、ちゃんと覚えておきますね。 |
それっ | |
Sink! | 沈んで! |
いやっ | |
My swimsuit... | 水着が… |
오의 발동
Take a deep breath. | 遊びましょう |
Sorry—I play rough. | 私に勝てる? |
Take in some rays! | 眩しいわね |
Tropical attack! | 南国アタック! |
Too much...sun... | 溺れちゃうわ… |
Phew... | ふう… |
Do you like my swimsuit? | この水着、どうですか? |
Let's go take another dip. | さあ、一緒に泳ぎましょう。 |
Like what you see? It's rude to stare, you know. | 今日はいつにも増して視線を感じるわね。 |
Swimming works up an appetite. What do you say we bring some sandwiches next time? | 泳ぐとお腹が空きますよね。お弁当、作ってくればよかったかしら…・ |
Ooh! Cold! Oh, you're gonna get it! | きゃっ…! もう、冷たいじゃないですか。えいっ、お返し。 |
I wish Manuela could be here to see all this. Maybe someday... | マヌエラ先輩も一緒だったらよかったのに… |
Would you be a dear and help me lotion up my back? | あの…背中に日焼け止めを塗ってもらえませんか? |
아군 턴 터치
Ready as ever. | わかりました |
Are we in sync? | 迷いますね… |
Let's dive in. | 泳ぎましょう |