성야에 춤추는 꽃 도로테아/대사
Today I am no mere songstress—I am a winter envoy! May the seasonal festivities begin! | 今日の私は歌姫ドロテアではなく冬祭りの使者なの。さあ、お祭りの幕が上がるわよ。 |
What do I want for my winter festival gift? Would a good partner to take care of me be too much to ask for? | 私が欲しい贈り物…良き伴侶に巡り合い安定した生活を築くことかしら。 |
I grew up in the alleys of Enbarr, begging for coins, eating scraps... I never thought much about festivals. | 貴族街の裏通りで施しを受けたり残飯を漁って飢えをしのぐ日々…。祭りの楽しさ、華やかさとは縁遠い記憶ね。 |
This is a time for us to forget about barriers of status that divide us, and celebrate what brings us together. | 今日はみんなが笑顔で繋がる特別な日。平民も貴族様も関係なく、ね。 |
Worried about the chill? Sing a song with me. You'll warm right up! | 今夜は冷えますね。大きな声で歌うと身体が温まりますよ。さあ、一緒に歌いましょう。 |
I'd like it if Edie and Hubie could find an opportunity to relax at this year's winter festival... | エーデルちゃんやヒューくんには笑顔を贈ってあげたいわ。もっと穏やかに過ごせるようにね。 |
친구 방문
Hi there! I've got a special invitation for you: a winter festival over at [Friend]'s castle! | [フレンド]から冬祭りの誘いを預かってきました。もちろん、断る選択はありませんよね? |
레벨 업
If I can play even a small part in making people happy, I'll gladly do it. | 笑顔になれる手伝いができたなら私もうれしいわ。 |
Come on, brighten up! It's the most wonderful time of the year! | せっかくのお祭りですもの。ほら、笑顔笑顔。 |
This frigid air is wreaking havoc on my poor throat... | 寒さのせいかしら…喉の調子が良くないみたい。 |
A gift? For me? How delightful! I'll treat it with care. | 贈り物? 私にですか?嬉しい。これは大切にしますね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I wasn't happy about being made to play the role of winter envoy, to tell the truth, [Summoner]. I didn't want to step into another role so soon after retiring from the stage. I wanted to be myself for a while. On top of that, I wasn't even sure I was qualified. What do I really have to offer, anyway? I'm not noble born. I'm not rich. I'm not particularly witty. I can't even fight as well as most here. But as soon as I saw how even my humble gifts were putting smiles on faces, my fears were put to rest. I'm glad to take part in this festival, not as an actress, but as a human being. Thank you for inviting me. | あのね、[召喚師]。冬祭りの使者を任されることになって正直いい気分はしなかったの。 舞台を降りてもまた違う自分を演じなくてはいけないなんてね。 第一、私はなにも持ってませんし。領地、家柄、財産、知恵…それに武芸も。 そんな自分が誰かに何かを与えられるかなんてとっても不安だったの。 でも、そんな心配はすぐに消えたわ。ささやかな贈り物でもみんな、笑顔で応えてくれましたから。 私も役を演じるのではなく一人の人間としてお祭りを楽しめたわ。貴重な経験、感謝しますね。 |
- | やっ |
- | そおれっ |
- | きゃっ… |
- | だめ…! |
오의 발동
The stars twinkle above… | 聖なる夜を |
Sing along! | 歌いましょう |
This'll be fun. | いい雰囲気ね |
Just for you! | 贈り物よ |
It's all ruined... | もう…台無し… |
- | うふっ |
I'll sing you a carol! | 聖夜の歌よ |
Come on, get up! | ほら、立って |
You want me to play the part of winter envoy? I'm retired from the stage. | 冬祭りの使者の役? もう、そういうのは引退したんだけど… |
*gasp* You must be freezing. Let's get you warmed up! | きゃっ…? あなたの手、冷たいわ。温めてあげましょうか? |
The whole town looks like it's sparkling. It's positively gorgeous. | 町中キラキラしていて、とても綺麗ですね。心が洗われるみたい… |
Hmm... Where has Manuela gotten to? It would be lovely to sing with her. | マヌエラ先輩、どこかしら? 一緒に歌いたいんだけど… |
It's been absolutely lovely spending this evening with you. | こんな素敵な夜をあなたと過ごせるなんて…幸せです。 |
아군 턴 터치
Yes. | はい |
Chilly, isn't it? | 寒いわね |
Ready to go. | 行ってきます |