마음씨 고운 궁수 도로시/대사
My name is Dorothy. I'm Father Saul's bodyguard... Oh, where did he run off to now? | 私はドロシー。サウル神父さまの護衛をしています。神父さま、どこですか~? |
Wow, it looks like there are a lot of expert archers here. I'd like to learn a thing or two from them if I can... | 弓使いの名人がたくさんいるみたい。いろいろ教わってみたいな…… |
Ugh, it's people like Father Saul that muddy Saint Elimine's good name! Imagine, pretending to deliver holy teachings while just chatting up every girl you see... | 神父さまみたいなのがいるからエリミーヌ教が誤解されるんです!女の子に手当たり次第、声をかけて…… |
I want to heal the injured, just like Father Saul and Bishop Yoder. I pray to the holy one about it every day. | 私も神父さまやヨーデルさまみたいに奇跡の力でけがした人を治してあげたい。だから毎日、神さまにお祈りしています。 |
How to approach them... "Hey, that's a nice bow, can I touch it?" Argh, no, no, that's all wrong... Come on, Dorothy, you need to be more natural... | どうやって話しかけよう……その弓すてきですね、触ってもいいですか?ああ、ちがう……もっと自然に…… |
"Come, one and all! Pledge yourself to Saint Elimine and all of your problems will instantly be solved!" Good grief, Father Saul, again with these fliers? | 『どんなケガでももう安心!今なら格安で入信できます!』?神父さま、またこんな貼り紙して…… |
친구 방문
Wow, what a beautiful castle! Here, I have a delivery for you from your friend [Friend]. | [召喚師]さんですか?これ、[フレンド]さんからです。やった……お役に立てた! |
레벨 업
Oh, yes! That's good, right? I think that went really well! | うん、うんうん!今のは…すっごくうまくいった! |
I'm so sorry, but please move out of the way! I need to track down Father Saul before he gets into trouble! | ごめんなさい、どいてくださ~い!神父さまを探さなきゃいけないんです。 |
I tend to get scared when I go into an actual battle... My nerves make it so I can't move my body like I want to... | 私、実戦となると、少し恐くて……どうしても緊張してしまうみたいで。思うように動けないというか……はあ。 |
I'm not so sure I deserve this, but... I-I'll try my best! | 自信ありませんけど…… |
5성 40레벨 달성
OK, Dorothy, time to get some good training in so you're not a burden on the other Heroes... Ah! Watch out! I-I'm so sorry! I tried to aim for the target, but the arrow flew over this way instead, a-and— Oh gosh, get it together, Dorothy! You're not hurt, are you? I am so terribly sorry! A-are you sure you're all right? Whew...that's good. You're such a kind person, Summoner. You've got these incredible powers, but you're still so humble... Father Saul could learn a thing or two from you! | 英雄さまたちの足手まといになってしまわないように、しっかり練習しておこう……あ! あぶない! す、す、すみません!的を狙ったつもりだったのに、矢がこちらに飛んでしまって……! ああ…もう、私ったら!お怪我はありませんでしたか?本当に申し訳ありません! そんな…召喚師さんはお優しいですね。すごい力を持っているのに、偉ぶらないし…神父さまにも見習ってほしいです! |
- | たっ |
- | えいっ |
- | きゃっ… |
- | やりますね… |
오의 발동
This is going to hurt! | 痛いですよ! |
Faith, guide my arrow! | 信じる力で…! |
Trying not to panic! | き、緊張…! |
I think I can do this! | 上手くいきそう! |
Saint Elimine... | エリミーヌ…さま…… |
- | ふふっ |
My name is Dorothy. I'm Father Saul's bodyguard. | 私はドロシー。サウル神父さまの護衛をしています。 |
Aah! Please don't do that again. Oh, my poor nerves... | ひゃっ…!? 何するんですか? 驚いたなあ… |
There are so many archers here... I hope I can learn from them. | ここには弓使いの人がたくさんいるんですね。いろいろ教えてほしいです。 |
Have you seen Lady Clarine? Oh... Just Clarine, since we're friends. *giggle* | クラリーネさん…いや、クラリーネは友達なんです。えへへ… |
I can't find Father Saul anywhere... Oh no, what is he up to this time? | 神父さま、どこですか? もう、すぐふらふらするんだから。 |
I wish I could do more to help people. I'd love to heal the sick and injured with holy power... | 私も神さまの奇跡の力で、けがしてる人を助けてあげたいなあ… |
I want to be of use to you. If you need anything at all, please let me know. | あなたのお役に立ちたいです。何でも言ってください。 |
아군 턴 터치
You got it! | はい |
Uh-huh... | えーっと |
I'll give it a shot. | やってみます |