무기력한 지팡이 사용자 디어/대사


It's good to meet you. I'm Dwyer... My father is Jakob... Anyway, what am I doing here?はじめまして…俺はディーア。父さんはジョーカーだ…なんで俺まで、こんなところに…

Summoning is a pretty sweet gig, huh? Just summon up some Heroes, then sit back while they do the rest.召喚師って、すげーじゃん…いっぱい英雄を召喚したらラクできるし…今後もじゃんじゃん仲間を増やしてくれ…
I was raised in the Deeprealms. It was there my father taught me martial arts and how to buttle.
That is, how to serve as a butler.
All this summoning must make you thirsty. Do you want some coffee or tea? I recommend my coffee.動いてるとさ、ノドかわかねえ…?紅茶と珈琲なら…用意できるけど。ま、俺のおすすめは珈琲かな…
Sooo tired... Doesn't look like we're moving out any time soon, so maybe I'll take a nap.
You should take one too.
I baked some sweets for everyone. They were a big hit, so maybe I'll show off another hidden talent...ここの奴らに焼き菓子作ったら、めちゃめちゃ喜ばれたんだけど…今度は隠し芸でも披露してみるか…

친구 방문

Hi there. I'm here with greetings from [Friend].
Since I'm here, want to see a neat trick?

레벨 업

Ta-daaa... Guess that means I'm pretty strong now.じゃじゃーん…なんかすげえ強くなったぜ…
Will this make my chores easier?あんまり成長したら疲れるじゃん…
Didn't change as much as I'd hoped.思ったより変わってないじゃん…


Maybe my coffee will be even better now. Wanna taste test for me?珈琲を淹れる腕も上がったかどうか…後で試してみるか?

5성 40레벨 달성

Well, if it isn't [Summoner]. What's on your mind? I'll listen if you talk.
You're a little sleepy? Well, I can put some coffee on if you'd like. It'll wake you up for sure.
But if I was you, I'd opt for a nice, long nap. My coffee is good, but nothing beats sleeping.
Whether it's coffee or a good nap, I always try to experience the best each has to offer.
Anyway, don't push yourself too hard. When you aren't your usual peppy self, it throws me off too.
It makes me worry about you.
So you decided to take a nap, huh? Good choice. I'll wake you with the scent of fresh coffee, so rest up.
Oh, and thanks for everything, our great and powerful summoner.
[召喚師]じゃん…どした? 話なら付き合うぜ…けど今日はちょっと、眠そうだよな…





오의 발동

Get out of my way!ちっ…どけよ
Let's get this over with.面倒くさいな…
You're wide open.ほい、隙あり…
I hate doing this.疲れるじゃん…


Guess that's it…あーあ、負けか…


Oh. I'll do my job.役目は果たすぜ…
Don't push yourself...あんま無理すんなよ…
Are you tired? I could make you a cup of coffee...どした? 疲れてるなら珈琲でも入れてやるけど…
You're going to give me a shoulder rub? How thoughtful...ツボでも押してくれてんの? なかなか気が利くじゃん…
Don't rest so you can work hard... Work hard so you can rest.頑張るために休むんじゃなくて、休むために頑張ろうぜ…
If I have to be a Hero, I guess I'll be a better Hero than my father.どうせなら、父さんよりもすごい英雄になりたい…
I avoid complications whenever I can, but I don't mind working for you. What do you say to that, oh great and powerful Summoner?俺、ホントは面倒ごととか嫌いなんだけど…あんたに尽くすのは悪くないぜ…なあ、召喚士サマ?

아군 턴 터치

Take it easy.ほどほどにな…

캐릭터 페이지로