서방의 여신 에키드나/대사


Hey, I'm Echidna. Need someone to help you build out your settlement here? All you have to do is ask.おっ、新しい開拓参加者かい?あたしはエキドナ。これからよろしく頼むよ!

Hey, why not summon some more Heroes to help us out? Then we can clear this area out like it's nothing!
...Pretty good idea, right?
The nobles are a pack of villains. The resistance aims to protect the people from their corruption.総督なんてのは、悪党ばかりでね。あいつらからみんなを守るためにあたしはレジスタンスをやっていたんだ。
What's with the grim face? You have my strength and my ear whenever you need, all right?なんだか難しい顔をしているねえ。あたしじゃ力になれないかも知れないけど相談には乗ったげるよ。
They say the body's a temple, so let's build that temple so big, gods will be forced to take notice!何をするにしても体が資本さ!体力をつけといて損はないよ。さ、わかったなら走った走った!
I want to build a home for those who lost theirs to war... It won't be easy, but I'll get there. Just watch.戦で家を焼かれた人のために新しい村を作るのがあたしの夢なのさ。問題は多いけど、やり遂げるさ、必ず。

친구 방문

As I'd heard... You've got the look of a leader, [Summoner].あんたが[召喚師]かい。聞いてた通り、いいツラ構えをしてるね。

레벨 업

It'll be curtains for anyone who crosses my path. Doesn't matter WHO they are!どんな敵だろうと、あたしの手にかかればひとひねりさ!
Yeah, not too shabby. Just gotta keep moving forward.うん、いい具合だね。この調子でガンガン突っ込むよ。
Damn. I must be slipping...あちゃ、手がすべっちまった…


Hey, thanks. Looking forward to using this in our next battle!おっ、ありがとさん!次の戦も楽しみにしてな!

5성 40레벨 달성

Have you thought about what you'll do once all the fighting's over and done with, [Summoner]?
If you don't have any plans, why not come with me and help us rebuild? It's hard work, but it's rewarding.
The power of your divine weapon leads many to flock to your side, but your true gift is leadership.
It'd be a shame for someone with your patience and character to go to waste, or so I think...
At any rate, it'll have to wait. In the meantime, I hope you'll consider it. Just...don't disappoint me!





오의 발동

You aren't ready!覚悟しな
What a pity...気の毒にねえ
Giving up? Not me.あきらめは悪い方でね
Don't try to run!逃がしゃしないよ!


Don't...give up...あきらめ…ないよ…


I'm Echidna, leader of the Western Isles resistance. Good to meet you.あたしはエキドナ。西方の島のレジスタンスのリーダーさ。よろしく頼むよ。
Hm? Looking for a training partner? Well, look no further.おおっと、何だい? 腕試しがしたいなら相手になるよ。
Imagine it—a free village, accepting of everyone... My dream is to make that a reality.来るものを拒まない自由な村…そんな村を作るのが今のあたしの夢さ。
Our bard Elffin has a few secrets... But it's not my place to share them.参謀のエルフィンは謎が多くてね…ま、人のことは言えないけど。
Larum's cooking is best avoided. Even talking about leaves a bad taste in my mouth.ララムの料理はそりゃひどいもんさ。口に出すのも忌まわしいね。
Without effort, there can be no peace... I must keep at it.あたしもがんばんなきゃね。みんなが安心して暮らせるためにさ…
We've all traveled far to be here, so please, don't shoulder this world's burdens alone.あんたも遠いところからご苦労なことだね。ほどほどにがんばりな。

아군 턴 터치

That so?本当かい?
Been waiting for this.期待してるよ

캐릭터 페이지로