아드라스테아 황제 에델가르트/대사


I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, Emperor of Adrestia. I will liberate my people from their ancient shackles.エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ。アドラステア皇帝として、古き悪習から人々を解放してみせる!

With my teacher by my side, I fear nothing. I will see the battle through to the end, in this world or any other.師がそばにいるなら…なにも恐れるものはない。どんな世界でも私は戦い抜いてみせる。
Claude is insufferably inscrutable, but I must admit he once brightened many students' monastery days.クロードは掴みどころのない男だったけど士官学校時代は、彼の明るさに助けられた生徒も多いのでしょうね。
Whatever enemies we face... Survive. Prevail. Do that and we'll witness the birth of a new world together!戦いがいかに激しさを増しても生きて勝ち、私とともに新しき世を迎えましょう…!
To lead and fight alongside the Black Eagle Strike Force was one of the greatest honors of my life.私が率いる兵は黒鷲遊撃軍。シュヴァルツァアドラーヴェーアと言うの。一晩かけて考えたのよ。
Gods and mortals stand side by side with the Order of Heroes. I...will need to think on this.ヴァイス・ブレイヴは神と人間が共存しているのね…。それがどういう意味を持つのか、見極めさせてもらうわ。

친구 방문

I, Edelgard von Hresvelg, Emperor of Adrestia, bring a message of greeting to you from [Friend].アドラステア皇帝、エーデルガルト。[フレンド]より親書を携えてきたわ。

레벨 업

I will not rest until every battle is won—until the long war is over and a new dawn shines upon the world.私は歩みを止めない。覇道の先に、必ず光はある。
The Adrestian Emperor strides forward, yielding to nothing and to no one.アドラステア皇帝として胸を張って進むのみ。
No. This is not enough.ふがいない…!立ち止まるわけにはいかないのに…


Thank you. This will be of great use to my cause.ありがとう。覇道の礎とさせてもらうわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you think destiny is decided at birth, [Summoner]?
I, for one, believe we can and should forge our fates with our own hands.
To be so passive as to allow some invisible force to dictate our lives would be ignorant and irresponsible.
I feel that, like my teacher, you have the power to unlock the potential in people, [Summoner].
I hope you will use that power to help them stand on their own—to light the way forward without a need for gods.





오의 발동

No mercy.完膚なきまで!
I won't back down!私は進む!
I'll cut my own path!道を切り拓く!
You can't stop me.どきなさい!


I've done...all I can...皆…すまないわ…


The regalia of the Adrestian Emperor is a heavy burden to bear.これは帝国に代々伝わる魔装なの。ちょっと物々しいかしら。
I suppose the title of Adrestian Emperor has little significance to you here.…もう。アドラステア皇帝も、あなたには形無しね。
We should feel no obligation to respect traditions purely for their age. Especially if those traditions are wicked.古いだけの悪しき慣習に従う謂れはないわ。そう思わない?
I will not allow those who slither in the dark to stand in the way of my path.フォドラの闇を払う。そのために私は進むの。
This world may be the ideal place to study governance. It contains benevolent rulers, despotic tyrants, and everything in between.この世界には王や皇帝も多いのね。善い王もいれば、そうではない王も…
My path may demand great personal sacrifice, but it is the only way to achieve real progress.選んだ道を最善にしていく。それしかないの。
I have learned—am still learning—much from you. In that way, you have become as important to me as my teacher.あなたからは今でも学ぶことが多いわ。まるで師みたい。

아군 턴 터치

Tread carefully.それでいいの?
The choice is clear.迷いはないわ

캐릭터 페이지로