의가 두터운 검사 에디/대사


You can put your worries to rest. You have me. I'm Edward, a swordsman and member of the Dawn Brigade!もう心配しなくていい。何を隠そう、おれは【暁の団】の一員にして、剣士のエディなんだからな!

Micaiah sure is rambunctious. What?! Oh, nothing. I'm just talking to myself.意外に野性的だよな、ミカヤって。あ、いや、こっちの話。
Curse Begnion. They walk over Daein like they own it and let villains do as they please here. I can't forgive them.何がベグニオンだ。我が物顔でデインを踏み荒らして、悪党どもは野放し……ゆるせないぜ。
Ugh! I get so nervous before a battle!はあっ……戦いの前は緊張するぜ……!
I'll go in under cover fire and cut the enemy down with my blade. That's a safe way to approach a fight, I think.援護を受けながら敵に近付き、おれの剣で倒す。これが安全な戦い方だよな?
The members of the Dawn Brigade fight for the people of Daein.おれたち【暁の団】はデインの民を救うために戦っているんだぜ。

친구 방문

Are you [Summoner]?!
I'm supposed to deliver best wishes from [Friend]!

레벨 업

If the soldiers were gone, there would be no one to wage war. Quite the simple solution, don't you agree?軍人がいなくなれば戦争はできないだろ。そうすれば平和になる!カンタンな話だと思わないか?
I'm going ahead to fight them off! The time is now!このまま追っ払ってやる!いくぜ!
Don't treat me like I'm just a kid! I'll show you I can keep going!子供扱いすんなよ!まだやれるぜ!


All right, I get it. I could use some improvement. I'll accept this happily.ちぇっ、わかったよ。ありがたく受け取っておくぜ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Everyone has experienced terrible things because of the last war.
The occupying empire, Begnion, sent all able men to prison camps to work as forced labor in awful conditions.
Now they steal valuables and food from the women and children and leave them to suffer without.
You get it, don't you? Everything Begnion takes from us, the Dawn Brigade is fighting to take it back!
Damn it, though! We can't do it all by ourselves. Even I know that.
But with Micaiah in the Dawn Brigade I know something good will happen. I just have this feeling!





오의 발동

I'm not just some kid!子供扱いすんなよ!
For the people of Daein!思い知れ!
With my own two hands!追っ払ってやる!
We'll get it done!おれたちの勝利だ!


Was doing so well...俺だって…やれるのに…


I'm Edward—a proud member of the Dawn Brigade!俺はエディ。何を隠そう、【暁の団】の一員だ!
*startled noise* Oh, it's you. Do you sneak up on everyone like that?うわあっ?! なーんだ、お前か。驚かせるなよな。
I just don't get it. Daein is our country... Why do we have to live in hiding, like prisoners in our own land?デインは俺たちの国なのに、なんだって隠れて暮らさなきゃいけないんだ?
Leonardo's a good friend. Together, we can get through anything.レオナルドは俺の親友だ。あいつとふたりなら何とかなる。
Micaiah can be surprisingly rough around the edges. What? *laugh* It's true!意外に野性的だよな、ミカヤって。
Military life is strange. Not sure what I'll do once the war is over, though.軍ってのはややこしいよな…。この戦が終わったら、俺、どうすりゃいんだろ。
You're fighting for a peaceful life too, huh? I know what it's like.お前も平和を取り戻したいんだろ? わかるぜ、その気持ち。

아군 턴 터치

Right away!おう!
I'm all set.決めた!

캐릭터 페이지로