친우로서 보이는 사랑 엘피/대사


I'm Effie. Looking forward to eating festival food and stretching my gift- giving muscles for Lady Elise!わたしはエルフィ……どんな贈り物でも送りつけてみせます。見ていてくださいエリーゼ様……

Everyone loves delicious food; maybe I should pick up some for a gift! And I am getting pretty hungry myself...おいしい食べ物はきっともらった人も嬉しいわ……だから、おいしい贈り物を選ぼうと思うの…
Do you know what kind of gift would show unwavering gratitude? It's gotta be...sturdy, so I don't break it.感謝…揺らぎのない気持ちを示す…硬いものがいいわ…わたしでも噛み切れないくらい…
Sounds like the festival feast is in full swing over there! Busting through the wall would be the quickest way in...お祭りのご馳走は向こうの広間かしら…遠回りするより、この壁を突き破って…
Lady Elise is so good at gift-giving. I hope I can reach her level one day!わたしも…エリーゼ様みたいに贈り物を渡せるかしら……
Well, that's another one. No more soft or small gifts. I'll just break them all.小さくてやわらかいものは、ダメ…わたしが持つと、ひしゃげてしまう……

친구 방문

Hey there! I've got a gift from [Friend] for you.
It might, uh, be a little broken...

레벨 업

Time for a post-workout snack! Nope, not that. That's a gift for Lady Elise. Don't eat it, Effie... Don't eat it...動いたあとはおやつの時間…いえダメよ、エルフィ…これはダメ。エリーゼ様への贈り物よ……食べてはダメ…
Oh, sorry for bumping into you like that! Here, I actually wanted to give you this gift.突然組み伏せてごめんなさい…ほら、あなたにも贈り物……
Ah, shoot. Looks like I smashed the gift in my pocket... Again. *sigh*ああ……懐にしまっておいた贈り物が…つぶれてしまった…


Wow, is this for me? Thank you! The Day of Devotion sure makes you feel warm and fuzzy.あら…嬉しい…これが愛の祭り……

5성 40레벨 달성

I pushed myself to my limits in order become a royal guard and protect Lady Elise. Now I'm her retainer.
But despite her position, she's still just as friendly when talking to me as when we were kids. She's so kind.
If I hadn't met Lady Elise, I'd still be in the slums of Nohr right now, with no hope of anything greater.
I have a hard time expressing how I feel with words. Maybe that's why this festival means so much to me.
Heh, to think the two of us once gobbled up stale crusts like they were a delicacy after we'd been playing...
I will never forget those days. Lady Elise hasn't changed a bit. This gift is but a small token of my gratitude.
I'd better go deliver it to her!





오의 발동

On its way to you!届けましょう…
With all my heart!心をこめて…
A gift!贈り物です…
For you!受取って…


You didn't like it...気にいらなかった…?


The Day of Devotion... A festival where you shove gifts into the arms of your beloved, huh...愛の祭り…贈り物を相手の懐にねじこむ祭りね…
What? You got me a gift? I'm so pleased.…? わたしに贈り物? あら…嬉しい…
Lady Elise has done sooo much for me... I have always been so grateful.エリーゼ様には、昔からずっと感謝してるの…
I can't carry delicate gifts. I...fear I would just break them.繊細な贈り物は壊してしまいそうで、選べなかったわ…
There's going to be a feast? Um... How nice! Heh.ご馳走が出るの…? それは楽しみ…
I would like to express my love and gratitude to everyone, just as Lady Elise does.エリーゼ様みたいに…わたしもみんなに愛と感謝を…
I brought a gift for you too. I hope you like it.はい。あなたにも、贈り物…。大事にしてね…

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good.よいせっと…
I'll deliver.ねじこんでくるわ

캐릭터 페이지로