축복받은 육체 에이크쉬르니르/대사


I am Eikþyrnir, winter's envoy. It's truly amazing, the body you can obtain in the cold.俺は冬祭りの使者、エイクスルニル。冬こそ心身を鍛える絶好の機会。天に祝福されし肉体を手に入れるのだ。

Reindeer are such strong creatures. With legs that effortlessly power through snow. It's inspiring.これはトナカイを模した角だ。雪原をものともしない強靭な足腰…俺も見習いたいものだ。
Mending the body is one thing, but training with others does its own kind of healing.心身の痛みを取り除くことだけが癒しではない。支え、ともに鍛錬する。それもまた癒しへの道筋だ。
To become strong, you must learn to steel yourself against nature's fury. I welcome the challenge of the cold.厳しい環境に身を置くことで心身はいっそう引き締められる…冬の寒さは天からの賜り物だ。
Marching through snow greatly strengthens one's legs.雪深い道はいいものだ。雪中行軍は足腰を鍛えるまたとない機会だろう。
No, I'm not cold in this. It will take a lot more than snow and ice to slow me down.薄着で寒いか、だと?この程度の寒さにひるむなど鍛錬が足りない証左だ。

친구 방문

My name is Eikþyrnir. We'll be training all winter over at [Friend]'s castle.俺はエイクスルニル。[フレンド]の城は冬祭りで心身を鍛錬中だ。

레벨 업

The chill of snow. The power of ice. Train your body in the cold and watch how clear your mind becomes.肉体鍛錬はすべてを解決する。冬の寒さも雪の厳しさもすべては鍛錬のためにある。
A body that has been trained well deflects such things like the winter's cold.鍛え上げられた肉体は冬の寒さなど寄せつけぬ。
Is my body really...stiffening up in this cold? Pitiful. I must train harder...冬の寒さで身体がこわばるなど…まだまだ鍛え方が足りぬか。


You like my muscles? Thank you for noticing.鍛え上げられた肉体への祝福たしかに受け取ったぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Toys and clothing, books and sweets. I understand why children may want these things.
But no present compares to the gift of training. A body fortified against illness, a spirit that never breaks.
A healthy heart in a strong body. That sounds like the perfect gift to me.
Of course I won't forget about your training this winter, [Summoner].
Take these dumbbells in hand, focus your mind, and allow your body to do the rest.
Stay consistent, and I believe you can become an even stronger hero.





오의 발동

It's the winter festival!冬祭りだ
All you can handle!いくらでも届けよう
There is no roof too high.登れぬ屋根はない
I do not feel cold.寒さなど感じない


I can still train...まだまだ…鍛えねば…


It is my duty to serve as envoy for the winter festival.冬祭りの使者役、仰せつかった。
Hmm? No. I feel no cold.ん…? 寒くはない。問題ない。
The body is the final armor. It must be polished, made to shine.肉体は至高の鎧だ。常に鍛え、磨き上げねばならない。
What my sisters want? I do not pretend to know.きょうだいたちの欲しいもの…。俺にわかるだろうか。
Carrying gifts to the rooftops is good training.贈り物を担いで屋根に上る。恰好の鍛錬だ。
I have happy memories of Læraðr giving us gifts during celebrations.レーラズ様も祝い事には贈り物を下さった。懐かしい…
Preparations were made for forging your body. Now we train together.お前には体を鍛えるものを用意した。共に鍛錬しよう。

아군 턴 터치

I see.そうか
Guide me.指示をくれ
I will deliver.届ける

캐릭터 페이지로