피어나는 자랑스러운 생명 에일/대사


I am Eir, blessed now with the power of Ymir, the dragon of life.私はエイル。今の私には、生命の竜であるユーミルの力が宿っているの。

I am finally able to appreciate the radiance of this world fully.この世界は眩しい…今の私には、その眩しさが心地いいの…
Each day with the Order of Heroes is filled with delightful surprises. The time seems to pass so quickly...この特務機関で過ごす日々は毎日新しい驚きに満ちていて…あっという間に過ぎていくわ。
Your duties must be exhausting. If there is anything I can do to help, please say the word.疲れているの…?何か私にできることがあるなら言ってちょうだい。
I trust in Líf. I suppose it is because, in the realm of the dead... Well, in short, he understands my past.私はリーヴを信じているわ。死の国にいた私は…あの人の過去を知っているから…
Ymir's power has filled me with new warmth and life.ユーミルにもらった新たな力…何だか体の内側がとても温かいの。

친구 방문

I am Eir, blessed with renewed life. To see me so was the wish of your friend [Friend].私はエイル。[フレンド]があなたにも新しい私を見てもらえって…

레벨 업

This body is full of life.体が熱い…命を感じるわ。
I am pleased with my progress.成長するって嬉しいものなのね。
Life is not without its challenges...うまくいかないものね…


Thank you. I will strive to become worthy of the faith you have placed in me.ありがとう。あなたの信頼にこたえられる私になりたいわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ymir told me what my life was like when I was very young. I still find it difficult to believe.
I do have some early memories of my mother, however. Those can never be wiped away.
Even if much of what has happened in the time since has been painful...
Ymir says that all will be well. That we can make new happy memories together.
What do you think? Do you feel the same way, [Summoner]?
Ah. Yes, that is true.
One day I will restore the realm of life to its former glory. I hope, when that day arrives, you will come to visit.





오의 발동

What is to come?どうかしら…
There is too much at stake.負けられない…
This is my power.私の…力…
Ought I be the one?生きていいの…?


I have failed...ごめん…なさい…


I am Eir. I have been...changed. It is as yet beyond me…私…エイルよ。姿が変わったから…不思議な気分だわ……
You are always up to mischief...…! あなた…。もう、いたずら好きなのは変わらないのね…
All I know of my true home, I learned from Ymir.ユーミルは、私の知らない私の故郷のことを話してくれるわ…
I cannot say that life in the realm of the dead was pleasant. But, even so…死の国での日々は幸せだったとは言えない…でも、それでも……
My mother in Hel and my true mother… They both have a place in my heart.死の国のお母様と本当のお母様…私は…どちらも……
Someday... If only I could return to the realm of life...いつか…生の国に帰ることができたら……
Being near you fills me with the courage I need to go on living.あなたといると、生きる勇気が湧いてくるの……

아군 턴 터치

As you say.その通りね
I am torn...悩むわ…
Alone no longer.ひとりじゃない…

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