물가의 상냥한 왕녀 에이리크/대사


I am Eirika of Renais. I have come to the beach this summer to take some time to enjoy myself.私はルネス王国のエイリーク。英気を養うため、夏の海に参りました。

Seth gave me some sunscreen, but... it remains to be seen whether I'll be able to evenly apply it to my back.ゼトから日焼け止めの薬を渡されたのですが…自分でうまく塗れるでしょうか。
What a pleasant breeze... The climate on this island is quite similar to that of Renais. It makes me feel at home...心地よい風…この島の空気はどこかルネス王国に似ている気がします。とても優しく、懐かしい…。
Do you think this attire is suitable for battle? I'm accustomed to wearing something a little more...armored.も、もう少し肌を隠したほうがよかったでしょうか? なにぶん水着はあまり着なれていないもので…。
I am glad Lyon was invited as well. He spends much of his time in his room, so the beach is a nice change.リオンも海に誘って正解でした。部屋で本を読んでいることが多いからよい気分転換になったと思います。
That cloud looks just like my brother! Well, somewhat, at least... Maybe not from straight on... Do you see it?あの雲の形…どことなく兄上の後ろ姿に似ているような…ふふっ、あなたもそう思いますよね?

친구 방문

I am Princess Eirika of Renais. I've come bearing summer tidings on behalf of [Friend].ルネス王国のエイリークと申します。[フレンド]さんに代わり夏の便りを届けに参りました。

레벨 업

One must approach all things in life with full effort and focus. That is the energy I plan to bring to this summer!中途半端はよくないですね。この夏を全力で楽しんでみせます。
I have no wish to bring conflict to these peaceful shores.この平和な海に、争いを持ち込まないでほしいのです。
This heat and humidity are stifling... And the lack of wind is not helping.今日は風がないからでしょうか。なんだか蒸しますね…。


Oh, thank you! With this, I'll be able to enjoy summer to the fullest!ありがとうございます!これで夏を満喫できそうです!

5성 40레벨 달성

We swam quite a lot today... I'd say it's about time for a break. What do you think, [Summoner]?
Even though I'm tired, it's a pleasant sort of fatigue. It feels different from the exhaustion of combat training.
In a world without war, I imagine every day could be as peaceful as this...
That thought gives me hope for the days ahead.
I will carry the memories of this summer in my heart no matter what is to come.
It will be my reminder that it is possible for people to laugh and smile together.
I will protect those dear to me, so when the fighting ends, we can come here to have fun again, together.





오의 발동

Let's go for a swim.泳ぎましょう
Summer is here!夏真っ盛りです
What fun!楽しいですね
Look at all the fish!お魚がいますよ


So hot, so dizzy…眩しくて…眩暈が……


I'm Eirika. This is my first trip to a tropical island. I can't wait to explore!エイリークです。南の国なんて初めてで、胸がときめきます。
Hmm? Oh, a cold drink for me? That's so kind of you.きゃあっ!? まあ、冷たいものを…? ありがとうございます。
The deep blue sea, the sprawling sandy beaches... It's just how I pictured it from my books. But even better!青い海、白い砂浜…本で読んだとおりで感動してしまいます。
Just look at this cute, spiny rock. Wait a second! It's alive!この、とげとげした可愛いものはなんでしょう? …えっ、生き物!?
There were so many great swimsuits to choose from. It was hard to select just one...水着、似合いますか? 素敵なものが多くて迷ってしまいました。
I wonder what Ephraim would have to say if he saw me wearing this...兄上がこの姿を見たら、なんとおっしゃるでしょうか…
I will always cherish the summer memories we made here.あなたとの夏の思い出…きっと一生忘れられません。

아군 턴 터치

The sand is so hot...砂が熱い…
Is the sun too much for you?疲れましたか?

캐릭터 페이지로