다정한 눈 에이리크/대사


I'm Princess Eirika of Renais. My brother Ephraim and I have come to the winter festival this year.ルネス王国の王女、エイリークです。兄のエフラムと共に、冬祭りに参加させていただきます。

It has been quite some time since I have seen my brother so excited. I'm getting excited myself!あんなに張り切ってる兄上を見るのは久しぶりです…私も楽しくなってきます。
The envoys of the winter festival bring happiness to all the children. Isn't that wonderful?冬祭りの使者は子供たちみんなに幸せを届ける…素敵ですね。
You're curious about what kinds of presents I wished for as a child? That information...will remain secret.子供の頃の私が贈り物を願うとしたら…ええと、それは…秘密、です。
I want to leave a gift beside Ephraim's pillow. Do you think he will realize it is from me?兄上の枕元に贈り物を差し上げるつもりです。私だと気づいてしまうでしょうか…?
This festival is for everyone to enjoy equally. Everyone is special at this festival, or so I'm told.
You should make sure to have as much fun with everyone as you can, even if you're a little bit cold.

친구 방문

I bring you an invitation to the winter festival from [Friend].[フレンド]さんから冬祭りのお誘いをいただきました。あなたにも楽しんで頂けたらと。

레벨 업

This is more than I wished for! I feel that I have been blessed.願ってもない贈り物です。この祝福に感謝を…
Seeing everyone enjoying themselves has given me the courage to fight.皆さんの笑顔が私に勇気を与えてくれます。
The cold has numbed my hands. I must prepare more thoroughly next time.寒さで手がかじかんでしまいました…まだまだ訓練が足りませんね…


I can feel this warming my heart... Truly, I am grateful.ありがとうございます。あなたの真心が温かいです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Taking part in this festival with Ephraim... It's been so long since I've enjoyed myself this much.
Everyone's in a cheery mood, with laughter in the air... And they give presents that really mean something.
The weather may be cold, but the warmth of the heart more than makes up for that.
I hope that one day the chill of war may be replaced by this warmth and everyone can enjoy days like these.
It's up to me to do what I can to realize a world where everyone comes together in kindness.





오의 발동

I will pray...祈ります
Find peace this eve.よい夜を
Season's greetings!皆で幸せに


The bitter cold of winter...冬の…寒さですね…


A prayer of solace...癒しの祈りを…
Are you well?大丈夫ですか?
This festival warms the hearts of all who attend.冬祭りは、皆の心を暖かくしてくれます。
Oh, thank you. This cape never stays on straight!きゃっ…あ、衣装を直してくださったのですね…
No surprise that my brother is eager to participate in the tournament at the festival. I wish him well!冬祭りの闘技、兄上はとても張り切っていました。大丈夫でしょうか…?
Oh, what fun it would have been to play in the snow together. Just the three of us...三人で雪遊びをしたら、楽しいでしょうね…(親友リオンを思って)
I'm very grateful that we can spend the snowy nights of the winter festival together.冬祭りの聖なる夜を…あなたと過ごせることに感謝しています

아군 턴 터치

Of course.ええ
To winter!冬を祝います

캐릭터 페이지로