맹세의 상냥한 왕녀 에이리크/대사


I am Eirika, princess of Renais. With Reginleif, the spear entrusted to me by my brother, I will protect Askr!私はエイリーク。ルネス王国の王女です。兄上より預かったレギンレイヴとともにアスク王国の未来を拓きます…!

My brother entrusted me with Reginleif. In order to protect my people, I will do all I can to master it!兄上から預かったレギンレイヴ。民を守るためにも、この槍を必ずや使いこなしてみせます…!
I wouldn't be the person I am today without the support of others. I won't let their faith in me go to waste.今の私があるのは支えてくれた多くの仲間のおかげ。彼らの想い、決して無駄にはしません。
This armor was made to be like my brother's. It's very easy to move around in.この鎧は、兄上のものを参考に特別にあつらえてもらったもの。軽くて、とても動きやすいのですよ。
You work incredibly hard, no matter the time of day. It inspires me to work harder myself.[召喚師]さん。昼夜を問わずの見回り、お疲れ様です。あなたの勤勉さ、見習いたいものです。
I thought I'd style my hair a bit differently than usual. Do you like it?髪型も、いつもとは少し変えてみたのですが…どうでしょうか…?

친구 방문

I am Eirika, princess of Renais. I've come to deliver a small gift from [Friend].私はルネス王国の王女、エイリーク。[フレンド]さんから心ばかりの品をお届けにあがりました。

레벨 업

I will wield this spear now so that one day I will no longer have to.今は、未来の希望のためにこの槍を振るいましょう。
My brother taught me this spear technique. How's my form?兄上に教わった槍さばき。形になっているでしょうか?
If the fighting continues...will it be my fault for lacking the strength to end it?こんなことでは…気持ちで負けているのでしょうか。


Your support gives me the strength to keep moving forward. I will not let you down!あなたの期待に応えられるようまっすぐ前を向こうと思います…!

5성 40레벨 달성

In our battles with Grado, I always had someone there to protect me.
Whether it was my brother or one of countless friends, it's thanks to them that I was able to fight to the end.
I do not wish for war. I believe we have more to gain from cooperation than from conflict.
But... If war finds us and we run from it, we won't be able to protect those precious to us, nor our ideals.
If I can be brave, I may be able to end the fighting. I want to be the protector this time.
A battle to end battles... I have faith that, with you by my side, we can accomplish that goal.





오의 발동

I cannot fall!負けられません
My strength is my conviction!想いを力に…
I will be your lance!あなたの為なら!
Keep your eyes on me!見ていてください!


Am I not strong enough?力不足…ですね…


What do you think of this armor? It's just like my brother's. I know we're twins, but...兄上と私は双子ですが…この衣装、どうでしょう?
Enough mischief, Ephraim! Oh, it's you, summoner. My apologies.きゃあっ! 兄上、悪ふざけは…あ、あなたでしたか。失礼しました…
There are those who have faith in me... When I think of that, I feel strength well up inside.私を信じてくれる人がいる。そう思うと、力が湧いてきます。
I'm so very glad I could be of service to you.私、あなたのお役に立ってますか? …ふふ、嬉しいです。
I learned how to wield a spear from my brother.槍の使い方は、兄上に教わったんです。
Tell me... Would you be pleased to hear that I hope we never part?これからも、ずっと一緒に…なんて、願ってもよいのでしょうか…?
I used to be so unsure, and understood the world so little. That has changed, and I thank you for your part in it.何も知らない弱い王女だった私を、あなたが変えてくれたのです。

아군 턴 터치

My orders?命令を
Hmm, yes...そうですね…
Leave it to me.任せてください
Let's go rescue my brother!

캐릭터 페이지로