아리티아의 왕녀 에리스/대사


I am Elice, princess of Altea—but I assume you are more familiar with the name of my brother, Marth.私はエリス……アリティアの王女というよりマルスの姉、といったほうがよいでしょうか。何のお役にも立てませんが、よしなに。

Seeing my brother grow into his own, surrounded by his friends, fills me with pride. Please, treat him well.マルスはよき友人、よき仲間に恵まれました。私には過ぎた弟です。これからも仲良くしてあげてください。
Gra was Altea's trusted neighbor and ally, until King Jiol betrayed us. Marth did what he had to do to survive.アリティアの同盟国であったグラのジオル王に裏切られるとは……マルス……無事に生きのびるのですよ。
Marth is the hope, and the future, of Altea—for there is now no other in the world who can wield Falchion.マルスはアリティアの希望、そして未来…神剣ファルシオンの正統な後継者はもはやあの子だけなのですから……
Setting sun shining through the forest canopy... Birdsong in rhythm with the streams... This world is beautiful.木漏れ日の中で聞く、鳥のさえずり。川を流れる水の音、沈む夕陽。世界は美しい……そう思いませんか。
The only silver lining in the fall of Altea Castle was that Malledus and Jagen secured my brother's escape.アリティア落城の混乱の中、モロドフ伯とジェイガンに弟を託せたのはまさに不幸中の幸いでした。

친구 방문

May all friendship be as everlasting as the one between you and [Friend]...[召喚師]様と[フレンド]様の、末永い親交をお祈りします。

레벨 업

Even as we revere what was built by our forebears, let us recognize that it is today's hearts that shape tomorrow.祖先の築いた歴史を尊び、生まれ育った国を愛する。人の想いが、次の時代をつくるのです。
Heroes do not simply appear out of nowhere. It was the refusal to yield to despair that gave rise to Anri.絶望してはなりません。人の心に、希望の光を灯し続けるのです…その願いが英雄アンリを生んだのですから。
Marth...you and I are all that remains of House Altea's blood. It falls to us to fulfill our family's duty.マルス……私たち姉弟はアリティア王家最後の生き残り。その務めを果たさなければなりません。


I still recall Marth being so frustrated that he could not match Merric in his studies. Ah, they grow up so fast...ふふ…マルスも真面目な子でしたけれど、勉学はマリクのほうが優秀だったかしら。いつの間にか、背も高くなって……

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you ever find yourself exhausted by the sheer number of issues at hand, [Summoner]?
I am sometimes overwhelmed when I consider all the brave souls who gave their lives to protect Altea.
I had intended to meet the same fate as my castle, then. Instead, I became a hostage of Grust, Gra, and Dolhr.
Ironically, it was Gharnef who saved me. He wished me to wield the staff of Aum, found in the Resurrectory.
I still do not understand what he hopes to achieve, but I pray that Marth will put a stop to his plans.





오의 발동

As princess...王女として…
Reconsider your actions!おやめください
I will not let you through!通しません
It is my duty.背負わなければ…


Oh, Marth...ああ…マルス…


Are you well?無事ですか
You mustn't give up!立ち上がるのです
I am Elice, the princess of Altea.私はエリス。アリティアの王女です。
Merric, when did you become so reliable?マリク、いつの間にかすっかり頼もしくなって…
Marth is the hope, and the future, of Altea.マルスはアリティアの希望、アリティアの未来なのです。
Oh Marth... Stay safe, and live on...無事、生き延びるのですよ。マルス…
You are much like my brother — a light that leads the way.あなたもマルスと同じ…皆を導く光なのですね。

아군 턴 터치

What shall we do?どうします?
Let us go.いきましょう

캐릭터 페이지로