망국의 왕녀 에린시아/대사


My name is Elincia Ridell Crimea, daughter of King Ramon of Crimea. Pleased to make your acquaintance.私は、エリンシア・リデル・クリミア。クリミア王ラモンの娘です。これからよろしくお願い致します。

I've come so far since my time at the royal villa thanks to my lord Ike and the others.クリミアの離宮を離れ、アイク様や皆様と旅を続け…随分と遠くまで来た気がします。
I'm the daughter of Ramon, king of Crimea. People may call me a princess, but...
Ah, no, it's nothing... Forgive me.
I suspect our journeys have left you worn out. When that happens, be sure to make it known.
You can rely on us as we rely on you.
I'm quite good at cooking and other household chores, I'll have you know.
Hm? That doesn't seem very princess-like to you? Haha! You're not the first one to say so.
You may be surprised to learn I'm a skilled pegasus rider. My pegasus belonged to my great-grandmother.こう見えても聖天馬の扱いには慣れています。この子は曾お婆様の形見なんですよ。

친구 방문

My name is Elincia. Might you be [Summoner]?
I've come at the request of [Friend].

레벨 업

I'll do my very best to rise to meet everyone else.皆様に少しでも近づけるよう、がんばります。
I'm doing my best to learn what I can, little by little.少しずつ、学ばせていただきます。
I'm sorry if I couldn't quite live up to your expectations.ご期待に沿えず、申し訳ありません…


Thanks for granting me this gift. From the bottom of my heart.私に力をくださったこと…心から感謝致します。

5성 40레벨 달성

I spent most of my life living at the mercy of circumstance. I was never able to relieve my own uneasiness.
However, traveling with my lord Ike and the others, and spending time here...
It's allowed me to see a clearer picture of what it is I need to do.
My power alone is not enough to accomplish anything. However, if my rising up will help other people...
If it will help even a little, then that is the path I choose for myself. I no longer have doubt about that.


My apologies...すみません…


I'm slowing everyone down...足手まといに…

오의 발동

A thrashing for you!ぶっとばしてさしあげましょう!
You mustn't!好きにはさせません!
We will fight if we must!戦うしかないのなら…
Truly sorry!許してください…


My friends...今まで…ありが…とう…


My full name is Elincia Ridell Crimea, and I am the daughter of King Ramon of Crimea.私は、エリンシア・リテル・クリミア。クリミア王ラモンの娘です。
Oh! I'm...I'm sorry. I ought to stay on guard for any sort of surprise attack.きゃっ!? …今のは不意打ちに備える訓練…ですか?
Could I perhaps ask for your help in practicing for battle? I must do my fair share out there.あの、訓練をお願いできますか? …一人劣っている自分が申し訳なくて…
I will be forever grateful to my lord Ike and the other mercenaries.アイク様や傭兵団の皆様には、心から感謝しています。
Would you mind if I stayed here longer? I won't be a bother.私もご一緒してよろしいですか? お邪魔はしませんから…
Ah, Crimea. Land of my birth, land that made me...who I am today.私の生まれ育った国…いとおしい…祖国クリミア…
I believe in you. No matter what may come.あなたを…信じます。たとえどんなことがあっても…

아군 턴 터치

Of course.はいっ
Off I go.参ります

공격 - 신장

A nightmare悪夢を

피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Prepare for a bad dream.悪夢を見せます
Go to sleep.眠ってください
I am an álfr.私は妖精…
What dream would you like?あなたはどんな夢を?

패배 - 신장

My dream...私の…夢は…

상태창 - 신장

I received this clothing from Dökkálfheimr. Does it suit me?スヴァルトアルフの服を頂いたんです。似合いますか?
Oof, whoah! Ugh. My apologies. These clothes will catch on simply anything...ひゃっ…! まあ、すみません。この衣装、引っかかりやすくて…
Nightmares may be scary, but the álfar of Dökkálfheimr are quite beautiful.悪夢は怖いですけど、スヴァルトアルフの妖精さんはとても綺麗ですね。
I hope that everyone can sleep well, and has pleasant dreams.私は、皆さんにはいい夢を見てぐっすり眠ってほしいです。
Even I could not understand Lord Ike.アイク様ったら、私だってわからなかったんですよ。うふふ…
I would cherish a chance to meet those lost to me... Even if just in a dream.たとえ夢でも、失った大切な人たちに会えるのなら…
If I could have just one wish, it would be to continue sharing your dream.叶うことなら、あなたと同じ夢を見続けていたいです。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

As you say.おっしゃる通りに
Which way?どちらでしょう?
They will sleep.眠らせます

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