파도치는 때의 여왕 에린시아/대사
I am Elincia, Queen of Crimea. Oh, but I'm here simply as a sightseer eager to relax on a tropical island! | クリミア王国女王、エリンシアです。南の島…このような素敵な場所なら英気を養えそうです。 |
I see there are all manner of frozen treats here, and they look delicious... Would it be all right to try one? | 色とりどりの氷菓子があるのですね。美味しそう…私もひとついただいてよろしいでしょうか? |
My travels with my lord Ike taught me that being able to swim is vitally important when battling on the ocean. | アイク様たちと旅をしたとき海の上での戦いを経験しました。泳ぐことの大切さはわかります。 |
This attire feels so comfortable and refreshing. I must remember to give [Summoner] my thanks... | とても涼しく、過ごしやすい装いです。用意していただき、格別の感謝を…[召喚師]様。 |
The sun's rays are strong, but they aren't at all unpleasant. If anything, I feel quite comfortable. | 日差しは強いですが不快ではありません。むしろ、心地よさを感じます。 |
I've seen so many fruits and fish that can't be found in Crimea. They've made for wonderful souvenirs. | クリミアでは見たことがない珍しい果実や魚たち…。よい土産話ができました。 |
친구 방문
I am Queen Elincia of Crimea. I've been tasked with delivering summer tidings from [Friend]. | クリミア王国女王、エリンシアと申します。[フレンド]様から夏の便りを預かってまいりました。 |
레벨 업
I will try my utmost to bring as much light and comfort to Crimea as the tropical sun does here. | 南国の太陽に負けぬように私もクリミアを照らしてみせます。 |
I would love for the people of Crimea to one day also know the warmth of the tropical sun. | 南国の日差しの心地よさ…クリミアの民にも教えてあげたい… |
S-sorry! The waves were far taller than I had anticipated... | す、すみません…!大きな波に驚いてしまい…。 |
Is this a summer gift? Thank you, I'll make sure to take good care of it. | 夏の贈り物でしょうか?大切にしますね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Thank you so much for showing me such a lovely place. As queen of Crimea, I have spent countless hours thinking about what I can do to bring my people joy. However, it seems that I had become exhausted in both body and mind without even realizing it. This tropical island made me see that. But now, I feel as if the waves and the gentle wind have healed me. Yes, I am all right now. Beginning tomorrow, I can step forward once more, with confidence, as queen. I will build a bright future for Crimea, while filling my heart with all the happiness this summer has given me. | [召喚師]様。このような素敵な場所を教えて頂き、ありがとうございました。 クリミアの女王として…私なりにできることを考え民の幸せを祈りながら過ごしてきました。 ですが、私自身も気づかぬうちに心身が疲れていたようです。南の島が…そのことを教えてくれました。 波の音と優しい風、豊かな実りに私は癒されたように感じます。 もう、私は大丈夫。明日から、自信を持って女王として足を踏み出せます。 夏がくれた活力で心を満たしながら私はクリミアの光ある未来を築きます。 |
はあっ | |
どうです? |
きゃあっ | |
溺れてしまう… |
오의 발동
Let's go for a swim. | さあ、泳ぎましょう |
I'll pull you under. | 沈めます! |
Radiant, isn't it? | 眩しいですね |
Come play in the water. | 水遊びですか? |
The waves are too strong... | 波が…高くて… |
*Giggle* | うふふっ |
Do you think this swimsuit looks all right on me? Is it ostentatious? | この水着、似合いますか? …派手ではないでしょうか? |
Nyah! Oh, a drink. How refreshing. Thank you. | きゃっ…!? まあ、飲み物を…ありがとうございます。 |
I've never gone swimming in tropical waters before. What a wonderful new experience. | こんな南国の海は初めてで、何もかも新鮮です。 |
I found a little crab. Look, isn't it cute? | 小さなカニを見つけたんです。ほら、かわいいでしょう? |
Swimming makes me so hungry. Is it bold of me to ask if there's anything to eat? | 泳ぐとお腹が空きますね。はしたないですけど… |
What a wonderful break... It's like a beautiful dream of peace. | こんなに平和な休日…何だか夢みたいですね。 |
Let's walk along the beach and watch the sunset. I'm sure it will be beautiful. | 陽が沈んだら、浜辺を散歩しましょう。きっと綺麗ですよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Of course. | 了解です |
I have an idea… | えっと… |
A swim sounds nice. | 泳いできます |