명탕의 꽃 엘리제/대사


I'm Elise, the youngest princess of the Kingdom of Nohr! I hear there's a lovely hot spring here, and I'm ready!暗夜王国の第二王女エリーゼだよ!とっても素敵な温泉があるって聞いて楽しみにしてたんだー!

I wonder... If I bathe in a hot spring every day, will my skin get as smooth as Camilla's?毎日温泉に入り続けたらカミラおねえちゃんみたいにすべすべのお肌になれるかな?
Back in Nohr, I'd go to a hot spring with Camilla and Effie sometimes.暗夜王国にいたころもカミラおねえちゃんやエルフィと温泉に入ったことあるんだよ。
You're always working so hard. A dip in a hot spring will ease your tension. Take a break![召喚師]さんいつもお疲れさま。せっかくだし温泉で疲れをいやしてねっ!
I hope that everyone in the Order of Heroes is enjoying the hot springs. We should all go warm up together!特務機関のみんなも温泉、楽しんでる?みんなで一緒にポッカポカになろうよ!
What are those? Eggs that have been boiled in a hot spring? Wow! Can I have one?なにこれ? 温泉卵っていうんだー。なんだか美味しそう!ひとつもらっていいかなっ?

친구 방문

Hmm... This doesn't look like a hot spring. Oh, it isn't? I was searching for one, for [Friend]!あれ? ここは温泉じゃないの?あたし[フレンド]さんと温泉を探してたの。

레벨 업

Ooh, the hot spring made my skin nice and smooth. Gorgeous!お湯で身体がすべすべだよ!いつもより可愛くなったかも~。
Oh, yes... The temperature is just right!これくらいの熱さが好みかも!
Huh? Uh...I'm getting drowsy.あ、あれっ?なんだかのぼせちゃった…


The water feels so good... I'm warm and toasty, all the way through!ふわぁ…お湯が気持ちいい…身体の芯まで温まるねっ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, come here! Look at this! My skin is soooo smooth!
The hot spring washed away all of my cares, and I feel...radiant!
I love hot springs. Everyone looks so happy, relaxing in the bath...
No matter what troubles they have or how exhausted they may be, they all have faces of pure bliss...
Do you get it? A hot spring smooths your skin and warms your heart all in one! We've got to go again!





오의 발동

This'll get ya pipin' hot!ポッカポカにするよっ!
No peeking!のぞいちゃだめー!
I am so refreshed!良いお湯~
Let's turn up the heat!あったかいよ!


I'll be in the bath...お風呂…入ってくるね…


Let's get warmed up!あったまろーね!
Right when I get out of the water, my skin feels so soft!えへへ…お風呂上りでちょっと色っぽい?
I'm gonna stay nice and warm right up till bedtime!寝るまでずっと、ぽかぽかだねー。
Huh? Oh... I, uh... I think I spent too long in the hot spring...きゃっ!? ありがと、お風呂でのぼせちゃったみたい…
We have hot springs in Nohr, too. But I bet you already knew that!暗夜王国にも、温泉ってあるんだよ。知ってた?
Hot springs sure are amazing! I wonder if I'd grow into a beautiful lady if I took a dip in one every day...温泉って気持ち良い! 毎日入ってたら、綺麗なレディになれるかな…?
C'mon, c'mon! Let's go to the hot spring!ねえねえ、あたしと一緒に温泉入ろうよー。

아군 턴 터치

You got it!わかった
Onto the next one!温泉はどこー?
Fresh from the hot spring!お風呂あがりなの

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