남국의 꽃 엘리제/대사


I'm Princess Elise of Nohr! I was playing on a tropical island, but...this place looks pretty fun, too!あたしは暗夜王国の王女エリーゼ!南の島で遊んでたんだけど…こっちの世界も楽しそうだね!

Hi, [Summoner]! You should try fighting in a swimsuit, too.
It'll keep you nice and cool, and it's real easy to move around!
Before coming here, I fought a big battle to win a trip to a tropical island. And I won thanks to Arthur and Effie!ここに来る前にね、勝った人が南の島に行けるっていう勝負をしてたんだよ。ハロルドとエルフィのおかげで勝てたの!
Anyone who works as hard as you deserves a reward—so, here! I made you a lei out of tropical flowers!いつも任務おつかれさま。南国のお花で作った首飾りあげるね。頑張りにはご褒美が必要だもん!
I think the whole Order of Heroes should go for a great big swim together!
Though, I guess it would be bad if the enemy attacked while we were all at the beach...
I took a trip to a tropical island all by myself. Doesn't that sound...mature?
I'm inching closer to being a perfect lady, aren't I? Well, aren't I?

친구 방문

I'm here with greetings just for you! I was sent by [Friend]! Say...
Is there somewhere around here I can take a quick dip before I head back?

레벨 업

Is this the summer Princess Elise finally becomes a mature lady?!すごーい! この夏であたし立派なレディになれちゃうかも!
Is this what my big sis meant by "Summer helps a lady mature"?夏は女を成長させるのよ、ってカミラおねえちゃんも言ってたわ!
Huh, what?! OK, I'll stop playing and start concentrating. Promise!た、たいへん!遊んでないで集中するねっ!


This new power kinda makes me want a new swimsuit to go with it.新しい力、ありがとー!新しい水着も欲しくなっちゃうね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Tropical attaaaaack! Hyah!! Heehee, did I scare you? Seeing you just got me so excited!
That tropical island was a lot of fun, but I've really come to love the Askran Kingdom, too.
Everyone in the Order of Heroes is just so nice, and I get to play with so many new people!
But... Well, can you keep a secret?
I have the most fun playing with you, [Summoner]! I always look forward to your visits!
Hey, when we're all done fighting someday, let's visit the beach together.
Pinky swear! That makes it a promise!
えーい! 南国アターーーック!!えへへ、びっくりした?来てくれたから嬉しくて飛びついちゃった!





오의 발동

I'll sink you!沈めちゃうよーっ!
Tropical attack!南国アタック!
Drown already!溺れちゃえっ!
Yay! This is fun!もっと楽しも!


I lost...負けちゃったぁ…


My swimsuit is adorable!この水着とってもかわいいでしょ!
Who wouldn't want to wear something like this on a beach?あたし、南の島で水着とか着てみたかったの!
How much do I love sunny beaches? Bunches and bunches!青い海も明るい空も、だーいすき!
Swimming sure makes a girl hungry!たくさん泳いだらお腹空いちゃうよね
Who needs tacky swimsuits to turn heads on a beach? I've got my bright smile!今はまだまだだけど、そのうち「ないすばでー」になるんだもん
I should get leis for my retainers. Red flowers for Arthur! White ones for Effie!赤いお花がハロルドので、白いお花がエルフィのお土産…っと
Oooh! Let's go lay on a beach after battle!戦うのが終わったらまた南の島に行きたいな!今度はあなたも一緒にいこっ!

아군 턴 터치

Ooh, hot!あついね

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