친구와의 약속 엘리우드/대사


I am Eliwood, son of the marquess of Pherae. I would be honored if you accepted me into your circle.僕は、エリウッド。フェレ侯公子です。仲良くしてもらえると嬉しいです。

Father... Mother... My dream is to bring forth a world where all can live happily. But am I being naive?父上、母上……僕の考えはやはり甘いのでしょうか。皆が手を取り合う未来など…
From the moment I clasped Hector's hand, I could feel his strength, his confidence. He's brimming with both.オスティアのヘクトル…彼の手は力強く、熱かった。みなぎる自信が伝わってくるようだった。
Father once told me that overwork is a road leading to nothing. When it gets tough, he said, you need rest.父上から聞いたことがあります。体をこわしては元も子もない。つらいときこそ、休息が必要だと……
Sometimes studying history feels meaningless... Rulers clash, but it all ends with their people suffering.国の歴史は大体が戦の繰り返しだ。なぜ王たちは争い、民を苦しめるのか……僕の学びは、誰のためのものなのか…
There are others here my age or even younger. Yet they are strong enough to be called Heroes...たくさんの人がいますね。この皆さんが英雄と呼ばれるほどの力を…僕と同じか、年下に見える子もいるんですね。

친구 방문

I am Eliwood of Pherae. I have been told much of your stout heart by [Friend].僕はフェレのエリウッドです。[フレンド]からあなたは立派な人だと伺いました。

레벨 업

I will do Pherae proud—for myself, my parents, and for the people!父上と母上のためにも、僕は立派なフェレの跡継ぎに…!
I must gather myself. I cannot protect anyone if I don't.この調子で、みんな無事に…
We may have defeated the foe in front of us, but that does not mean we can rest easy.目の前の敵を倒したからといって油断してはいけませんね。


I thank you.ありがとうございます。

5성 40레벨 달성

The nations of Lycia have banded together to protect ourselves from threats from the outside and within.
Our parents have sworn that all in the alliance fight as one, no matter who is attacked—or by whom.
While our parents were swearing that oath, we children were assembled in another chamber...
It was then that Hector called on us to swear an oath of our own, as he sliced his palm with his knife.
Clasping cut palms is a famous custom of warriors—an oath of friendship sealed by lifeblood.
My hand was the only one that met his.
Our friendship began with that vow. When one is in danger, the other will risk everything to save him...
That is the promise I made to Hector that day. I will draw from his strength as I take stewardship of Pherae.





오의 발동

I must not lose!負けられない!
I will match my father!父上のように…
I'll get stronger!強くなるんだ!
My blade strikes true!この剣にかけて!


Must...train more...もっと…修行しないと…


I am Eliwood, son of Marquess Elbert of Pherae.僕はフェレ侯エルバートの息子、エリウッドです。
*gasp* You startled me! How may I help you?わあっ!? びっくりした…。何かご用ですか?
My parents are so happy when they're together.父上と母上はとても仲が良いんです。
Can you help me find my friend? His name is Hector.僕の友だちがいないか捜してるんです。ヘクトルというんですけど…
To follow in my father's footsteps and protect Pherae… That is my dream.父上の跡を継いで、フェレの地を守り続けたい…それが僕の夢です。
Mother, Father... I hope you're thinking about me.父上、母上…。見守っていてください。
I want to learn as much as I can while I'm here. Consider me at your disposal.ここでたくさん勉強したいんです。遠慮なく命じてください。

아군 턴 터치

I understand.わかりました
What next?どうしましょう?
Leave this to me.任せてください

캐릭터 페이지로