폐신 엠블라/대사


I am Embla. Summoned...here? By this mortal? Infuriating.…我が名はエンブラ。人間が…私を召喚…?おのれ…忌々しいぃ…

The Kingdom of Askr...so full of people and their noise. This is not where I belong.ここが、アスク王国…人が多い、騒がしい…私が好む場所ではない…
Everything here is so open. There is too much space, too much...light. Too much.
I need to go to a dark space to put myself at ease.
Elm is my faithful servant. He will never shrink from a task I've given him. Never.エルムは私の大切なしもべ。たとえ何があろうと、私のために動いてくれる…
We are all alone. No matter what you do, no one will ever truly know you— and you will not know them.
The only choice is to close everyone and everything out.
I am no Askr. I have nothing to say to you—or anyone.[召喚師]か…私はアスクとは違う。お前と話すことなど何もない…

친구 방문

I am Embla... Despite knowing my disdain for other worlds, you have chosen to bring me here... I see.…我が名はエンブラ。おのれ、私は異界になど興味はないというのに…

레벨 업

Face the endless dark.知るがいい、我が闇の深さを…
However much power I am able to gain, I will never again grant it for the benefit of mortals.いかに力を得ようと…人のために使うのは気が進まぬ。


...Tribute? Hm. I will not turn it away, but expect nothing in return.に、人間に礼など言わぬぅ…

5성 40레벨 달성

I detest mortals. They are weak, their lives too short to have any real meaning.
And their praises and oaths have even less meaning.
It was Askr's curiosity that led me to grant a mortal the power of my blood when I did. How was I repaid?
Mortals showered me with gratitude. They called me savior...a benevolent god come to aid them.
They...devoted themselves to me.
But those memories are just that— they remain ever in the past.
Had it never happened, it would have been for the better.





오의 발동

Emptiness enclose you!閉ざしてやるぅ
Your future is undone.未来などないぃ
Feel sorrow!あわれあわれ…
Suffer as I have.思いしれぇ


Do not leave me...…一人に…するなぁ…


Ahh... This seething envy...ああ…妬ましい…妬ましい…
...Sheer impudence.あぅ… 気安く触るなぁ
The mortals chose Askr. All of them. Over me...人間たちはみんな、アスクを選んだ…私ではなく、アスクを…
Elm is a faithful servant. He would never betray me...エルムは忠実なしもべ…私を決して裏切らない…
Even alone in the absolute, I do not yearn for companionship... I do not know loneliness!私のもとに誰もおらずとも…寂しくなどない…寂しくなどない…
Mortals once loved me as they do Askr… I had no choice.昔は…人間たちも私を慕ってくれた…だから、私は…
Though the words stick in my throat, I am with you—for now.口惜しいが…今はお前に従ってやるぅ…

아군 턴 터치

That will do.よぉし…
No egress.行くあてなどないぃ
Darkness approaches.闇にとざせぇ

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