용감한 염양 에프람/대사


I'm Ephraim. I had planned to relax but... who can turn down so many perfect opportunities to train?俺はエフラム。休暇でここに来た。だが、この海は知れば知るほど鍛錬するにもってこいの場所だな。

This land's fruits grow in every color possible. What a paradise!色とりどりの果実に豊富な海の幸…まさしく、ここは楽園だな。
Eirika was right—this ocean is quite pleasant... Alas, training calls!良い海だな。エイリークが言っていた通りだ。鍛錬にもちょうど良い。
I thought it would be a great feat of strength to swim in full plate, but Innes and Tana put a stop to that...鎧のまま泳ぐのも鍛錬になるかと思っていたんだが…ヒーニアスとターナに止められてな。
Running through the sand is a superb way to firm up those legs. How about it, [Summoner]?砂浜を裸足で走ると、いい鍛錬になる。[召喚師]もどうだ?足腰が引き締まるぞ。
I want Eirika to be free of her cares while we are here. I'll train twice as hard for the both of us!エイリークには、この海で日頃の疲れを癒してほしいものだ。そのぶん、俺が鍛えれば問題はない。

친구 방문

I'm Ephraim, the prince of Renais. Here you are—a sampling of the sea's bounty from [Friend].俺はルネス王国のエフラム。[フレンド]から海の幸を預かってきた。受け取ってくれ。

레벨 업

What, the heat? This is nothing. If I gave up now, Eirika would never let me hear the end of it!この程度の暑さに負けるようではエイリークに笑われるからな。
Even if we are blown over by raging waves, I'm sure we will weather the storm!どんな荒波が来ても乗り切る自信はある。
I guess I overlooked the strength of the sun's rays...夏の日差しを甘く見過ぎたか…


This season seems perfect for training. I can only hope my efforts bear some fruit!鍛錬の成果があらわれたか。鍛えるには、いい季節だな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you remember when I told you of my dream to become the greatest spearman in all of Magvel?
Perfecting the craft is only a small part. My true dream lies in traveling the world as a warrior for hire.
Never choosing your destination, just following where the fighting leads... It's imperative you learn to adapt.
You may be required in a dark forest, on a cliff face, or even on a sandy beach like this one...
That's why it's so important for me to be out of my element like this. The training possibilities are endless!
Me? Relax? Don't worry about that, just being here has done my spirit a world of good! Now, excuse me...
I think I have a few more laps in me before my arms give out!
ん? 休暇だったんじゃないかって?大丈夫だ。この海と心地よい風は十分に英気を養ってくれた。





오의 발동

Let's see who can swim faster!泳ぎで勝負だ
I'll sink you!沈めてやる!
Wherever, whenever!どこであろうと!
Oh, look, there are fish here!魚がいるな…


It's...too hot...暑さには…勝てないな…


I'm Ephraim. I think I'll have an enjoyable vacation if you're there too.俺はエフラム。お前と一緒ならよい休暇になりそうだ。
*start* Ugh, cease your foolish games and hand me my drink normally.うわっ…!? 悪趣味な真似はやめろ。飲み物なら普通に渡せ。
The beach is nice. It's a good place to strengthen your legs.砂浜もいいな。足腰が鍛えられる。
Eirika is here too? I hope she's not running wild.エイリークもここへ来たのか。はしゃぎすぎていないといいが…
Hmm... So we're going to play a game where we smash that big round fruit? All right. Sounds like fun!ん? その果物を割るのか? よし、俺に任せろ。
My petty worries seem pretty meaningless when I gaze out over the open ocean...海を見ていると、ちっぽけな悩みなどどうでもよくなるな。
I must do whatever I can to make this summer special since you're here.お前と共に過ごす夏、特別なものにしないとな。

아군 턴 터치

It's so bright out!眩しいな
Are you ready?準備はいいか?
Let me dive in!任せておけ

캐릭터 페이지로