비탄의 사제 에레미야/대사


I am Eremiya. Ehehe... It goes without saying, but I shall carry out my duty as you wish.私はエレミヤ。うふふ……言わずともよいのですよ。お望みのまま、使命を果たしてみせましょう。

Everything Lord Gharnef desires... Everything as he commands...すべてガーネフ様の仰せのまま、お望みのままに……
Eradicate the filth of this world... Yes, I understand my orders.クズどもは皆殺し…ええ、わかっておりますとも。
It would be good if my master could also have the clerics of Askr as well.この地のシスターも、我が主のお気に召すとよいのですが。
My children are troublesome trash... However, even trash can be put to proper use.私の子供たちときたら…ほんとにクズばかりで困ってしまいます。クズはクズなりに、役に立ってもらわねば。
The brighter a light shines, the deeper darkness becomes... I tried my best...for the children.光が強いほどに、闇は深くなるのです……私はただ…子供たちのために……

친구 방문

I was asked to visit your castle... No... I was not ordered to assassinate you by [Friend] yet.[フレンド]様が様子を見てくるようにと…いえ……暗殺の指令は受けておりません。

레벨 업

Descend into the dark abyss...沈め……深き淵の底へ……
Ugly filth that walk the world... Fear me.醜く汚い者たち…さあ…恐怖なさい……
I...have no excuse. I have betrayed your expectations...申し訳…ありません…ご期待を…裏切ることに…


Yes, yes. I understand. Henceforth I will demonstrate how I can set a good example.ええ、ええ。わかっておりますとも。私が手本を見せてさしあげましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Abandoned children... Such meaningless trash. And who was it that saved discarded trash like that?
It was I... Through the guidance of Lord Gharnef...
Shrouded in darkness at the bottom of the deep Abyss... My children grew to become strong and proper "dolls."
How about I give you a taste of fear deserved by wicked adults? Let this ugly world wallow in eternal despair!
And you, standing before me... You too will become one of my many children, [Summoner].


Please die死になさい


How impertinent...!生意気な…!

오의 발동

I feel extraordinary!すばらしいわ
Dance, little puppet!クズ人形が…
Insolent child!困った子だこと
I'll straighten you out.見本を見せてあげる


My children...私の…子たち…


How pitiable…情けない…
Go on now. Fight!さあ、戦うのよ
Everything as Lord Gharnef commands...すべてガーネフ様の仰せのままに…
*laughs* Until you break, my little doll...I'll find a use for you.ふふふ。壊れるまで使ってあげるわ。私のお人形…
Katarina? Oh, you mean Reese. Perhaps a more fitting name for her would be "traitor."カタリナ? ああ、アイネのことね。それとも裏切り者のクズの方がいいかしら。
All those children died... They died...私は…あの子たちを…死なせたくなかった……
You're such a sweet child, and I will make use of you. In fact, I'll use you until there's nothing left.あなたも私のかわいい子供…存分に役に立ってちょうだいね。

아군 턴 터치

Do you think so?それでいいの?
Let's kill them.始末するだけよ

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